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Search results for "lights"

Tour Dates

Whitechapel might be laying low right now, but come March, these guys are heading back on the road for the cleverly titled "Recorruptour" which...

Best of 2011

In 2011 my attention span left the building. I lost interest in anything slower than a barreling freight train, and my enjoyment of the...


Henry Rollins is quite an opinionated fellow. When he's not out MCings reunion tour announcements, or telling you why pop punk sucks, he spews...


Derek Roddy and Eric Moore are two very accomplished drummers. Roddy is known for his work with Nile, Hate Eternal and many other projects...

Relapse Records Podcast

This month on the Relapse Records Podcast, we premiere exclusive tracks from Abysmal Dawn, Liberteer & Brutal Truth in addition to highlights from 2011...


My neck is killing me right now. On Saturday Night, Noa, Sean and I, along with a ton of our friends went to the...

Upcoming Releases

Seeing Obscura this weekend was one of the highlights of the Metal Suckfest. They are tighter than a schoolboy's anus. (I went there!) Also, without...


Think of the new Megadeth album like this: take Endgame and add a large dose of Youthanasia and Countdown to Extinction, then mix it...


It’s always been my motto that “I’ll go wherever the music takes me,” and since no place on earth is any further than a...

Tour Dates

Symphony X and Iced Earth are both celebrating the releases of new albums, Iconoclast and Dystopia respectively. So they decided why not team up...


On a cold February evening this year, I went to see Absu and Immortal play at the Gramercy Theater in NYC. Although I mainly...

Latest News

The God Damn Tour is only a month away and I can't wait for things to kick off. Clearly, neither can the headliners, as...

Injection Reflection

This week marked the official beginning of Fall. While the weather is starting to suck, heavy music is starting to ramp up it's Fall...

Tour Dates

Time for a fucking breakdown! The 2011 iteration of Thrash and Burn tour has been announced for a while, but we wanted to wait...

Tour Dates

The Crush 'Em All 2 Tour has been locked in. It will feature Veil of Maya and After the Burial co-headlining, with support from...

Tour Dates

This might not be everyone's up of tea, but the Monster Energy Outbreak Tour has just been announced, with Of Mice & Men, iwrestledabearonce,...

Tour Dates

The thrash tour of the Fall now has a routing. Anthrax, Testament and Death Angel, three bands that have been pillage towns all over...

Tour Dates

This Fall has just gotten hella-hardcore brah. Breakdown experts (and I mean that as a 100% sincere compliment) The Acacia Strain and Terror are...


Among the many things I enjoy and respect about Behemoth, I absolutely love how seriously they take the music video process. When most bands...

Tour Dates

GWAR have announced a Fall tour with quite a diverse line-up of openers: Every Time I Die, Ghoul and Warbeast. Never did I think...

Tour Dates

Well, this is exciting. A few weeks back, we guaranteed that Between The Buried and Me, Animals As Leaders and Tesseract would tour this...

Bummer Alert

A few weeks ago, we hung out with Cerebral Bore, and Noa interviewed them. After the interview, Som was dying for a milk shake,...


This may be the douchiest story ever written: Shock-rock has-been Marilyn Manson is getting ready to release a new cash-grab record later this year,...