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Search results for "lights"


Holy Grail are riding high right now. They have a huge tour with Anthrax and Exodus kicking off in March, they just released their...


Last Thursday night in Anaheim was loads of fun, hanging out at the Rock and Roll Roast of Dee Snider. Hopefully, you've already seen...


This is going to be amazing. Metal Hammer loves putting together tribute albums, and they will be celebrating the 30th anniversary release of Metallica's debut full-length...

It's Just Business

When was the last time you bought a physical CD? I honestly can't even remember my last CD purchase. Physical media in general is...

Best of 2012

Of all of our Best of 2012 coverage, I look forward to the list created by you, the Metal Injection junkies the most. It...

Bummer Alert

I never know how to type these things, because I never prepare for this shit. Ministry and Rigor Mortis guitarist Mike Scaccia died over...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica have had a pretty busy year in 2012. The highlights being they launched their own festival, ORION, they shot a $20 million 3D...


Yesterday, we reported some bummer news, as longtime All Shall Perish guitarist Ben Orum announced he was leaving the band. The decision wasn't an...

Best of 2012

It's been a great year for silly metal videos. Whether it's contestants on pop reality shows, kids being more metal than you, or animals...


The Barge To Hell rolled through the high seas last week and Frank is back with a ton of new content. If you missed...


It's hard for Marilyn Manson to stay relevant nowadays. His live show is a shell of it's former self, and other than having Johnny...

Bummer Alert

One of the highlights of seeing Neurosis live for me was the trippy visuals that would always project over the band as they performed...

Latest News

Yesterday, Nice Inch Nails mastermind Trent Reznor agreed to do a Reddit AMA, where readers of the site could ask him anything they wanted...

Breakups & Shakeups

Things seemed a little fishy in The Black Dahlia Murder camp, when live footage started surfacing from their current tour (dates here) and it...

Show Recap

Just over five months ago Black Sabbath, the band who the term ‘heavy metal’ was coined for, played their first hometown show in Birmingham...


I've spent a good portion of the afternoon listening to the new West End Motel album, streaming at Paste Magazine and I feel like...


When I reviewed Cradle of Filth's last album, I tried in fairness to emphasize the band's strengths, while addressing the typical reservations many extreme...


It's always exciting when two people with a lot of money get pissed at each other over very trivial circumstances. Such is the case...


In order for a “progressive” album to be a success, its sound must be able to explore and experiment, yet still be memorable enough...

Latest News

Anders Nystrom is a man many people know for his work in the legendary Swedish metal band Katatonia.  He is also known by many...

Upcoming Releases

In five days it'll be October, which in my mind signifies the beginning of Fall. And do you know what that means? Pumpkin beer,...

Tour Dates

I love Maryland Deathfest, and being from Philadelphia, it's quite easy for me to make the yearly pilgrimage to the (un)holy land. I understand that not...


I do believe that we have delivered a record that will be accepted and hopefully enjoyed by the DOWN horde — if you will…If...