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"Crucially, the band doesn't simply sound like 'new old-school death metal.'"
Plus releases from Ché Aimee Dorval. Imperium Dekandez, Maneskin, Re-Buried, Tribunal, and Turbid North.
Like the first single, it too is thrashy.
The Ukranian psych bangers are back!
"Every city needs a solid band to hold down the death metal faith at mixed-bill shows, and Re-Buried has more than cemented their candidacy."
And why most of his guitars only have four strings.
Thanks for the riffs, Van.
Their first full-length since 2017.
This is black metal that will cleanse your mind.
More clean vocals and huge melodies.
Is there a new album on the horizon?
They're streaming their new single "Rubble Home" right now.
Featuring psychotropics and zombification!
It's a pretty anthemic and haunting track.
Pusicfer is hitting the ground running in 2023. The band has just announced their new remix album Existential Reckoning: Re-Wired for March 31 and...
It'll happen in Baltimore and it'll also include Napalm Death, Pig Destroyer, Hulder, and more!
"I don’t know how The Kardashians have done it for so long"
Ahead of their tour in February.
Uncle Robert's also a big Jack Black fan.