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Turns out Sharon "Money Bags" Osbourne has come up with a genius idea. Let kids get into Ozzfest for free, and charge the sponsors....


"Still not loud enough, still not fast enough!" So began Sounds of the Animal Kingdom, Brutal Truth's third and final studio full-length before disbanding...

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> Check out our RADIO section. We have three new podcasts up, one featuring an interview with the creator of BurningAngel.com, and some of...

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Candlelight Records today confirms the worldwide signing of CARNAL FORGE. "Testify For My Victims", current working title for the band's anticipated sixth album, is...

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> Guitar World recently announced the 100 greatest guitar solos of all time, and (shockingly) "Stairway to Heaven" came in at #1, followed by...

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>Philadelphia’s self-proclaimed criminal thrash band RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER have restructured their lineup following the departure of vocalist Eli Shaika and announced their first show back....

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Metal Blade Records have signed a worldwide deal with HATE ETERNAL. Formed in 1997, HATE ETERNAL's goal has always been to challenge musical limitations...

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HORSE THE BAND frontman Nate has issued the following update on the band's MySpace page in regards to the band's future plans: im not...

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South Carolina's THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD are currently completing new songs for the band's second full-length, the follow-up to 2005's Bloodlust. The...

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>FINNTROLL will be releasing their new album on March 28th and will be titled "Ur Jordens Djup". Sometimes I wish I was fluent in...


If you like Hatebreed, you'll love Born From Pain. That's the long and short of it, as well as the good and bad. The...


I recently had the pleasure to speak with one of my all-time favorite frontmen, Jesse Leach. You can currently hear Jesse on the latest...

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The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...

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I know this is a little late for bringing up as a topic, but I just now was able to sift through some old...

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>DESPISED ICON need a new guitarist, here is what the band have to say about that and more: Hey everyone, some great and bad...


A.C.T. is probably closer to rock than metal, but open-minded folks seeking more than the newest br00tal band would do well to give it...

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>VITAL REMAINS, MONSTROSITY, and SINISTER have confirmed their envolvment in this years, FUCK THE COMMERCE X festival. The festival will take place in Germany...

Spout Off

Two years ago the metal world lost a hero, an inspiration, a brother. Dimebag Darrell Abbott was like no other and lives on in...

Clip of the Day

Byzantine which is pronounced "BIZ-EN-TEEN" is a band which you should all become familiar with…why?…because they will be here a LONG time in our...


When Manowar do things, they do them big. Their album covers are filled with big men with big muscles holding big swords. Their tunes...

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Alright, well, its been a few days since I have spouted off my mouth and given some news. I find that a lot of...

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> Seattle rockers HIMSA have signed a worldwide deal with Century Media Records. The band is currently writing their upcoming album, with no release...

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Here are a few pieces of news from around the web: > GWAR shot a new video for "Eight Lock" off their recent brutal...