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Bummer Alert

Update 7/17/20: Kuma's posted an official statement saying that they will do better, owner Ron Cain acknowledges most of the issues raised by the anonymous...

Latest News

Despite all the downsides of the Coronavirus pandemic, including the cancelation of shows and touring around the world, there have been a few silver...

Humor of the Beast

Welcome to “Humor of the Beast,” a recurring series where we interview the funniest people about their favorite band, as well as the impact...

Video Games

The game also features members of Kobra and the Lotus, Epica, and Within Temptation.

Live Footage

Since Queen had to cancel their world tour this year, the band decided to put together an hour-long reel of some of their best...

Metal Merch

Let's face it, 2020 has turned out to be a gigantic bummer for pretty much everything and everyone. And that's putting it fucking lightly,...

Undergound Buzz

Welcome to another roundup of Underground Buzz, where we spotlight some killer smaller bands. Want to be covered on this section? Reach out with...


The new Protest the Hero singles "The Canary" and "From the Sky" sonically, sound excellent. But have you been paying attention to the lyrics?...

Dank Slams

Let's take a trip. A trip waaaaay back to 1990. Back to that day when you first popped Deicide's self-titled cassette into your Sony...


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot and Stone Stour frontman Corey Taylor has been talking a lot about his upcoming solo album, but until now, we didn't quite have...


Eye of Nix’s third album of baroque black/doom metal has a much better production value, but it's still otherworldly in its bizarre beauty.

Celebrity Metalheads

Post Malone surprised David Ellefson on a recent livestream the Megadeth bassist was doing, and during the chat Malone talked about his favorite metal...

Live Footage

NYC-based metal group Infinite Spectrum, have started a cover project where they reimagine some of their favorites tunes, and kick things into high gear...

Latest News

Also Glassing, Cherubs, Fight Amp, Transit Method, and Nomad Stones!


"We always agree on each other’s musical input. That’s the beauty of it; there’s never really an argument about what direction we’re taking."

Metal Merch

Pop culture collectible site Entertainment Earth has been in the business of selling everything from action figures to games and beyond for 25 years....


Philadelphia’s unsigned power/folk/progressive metal heroes Lör turned heads in 2017 when their debut, In Forgotten Sleep, shot to the top of Bandcamp’s metal chart...

Gojira are being so giving. They have been holding on to this footage of their performance at the excellent Red Rocks Live venue in...


Bassists should seriously be fearing for their jobs right about now, as Toontrack — the software maker behind Super Drummer, EZmix and other essential...