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Upcoming Releases

When ISIS officially announced their permeant hiatus, I was pretty bummed. During the middle part of the last decade, they were easily my favorite...

RIP a Livecast

This was a very eventful show. We began the show talking about Dave Mustaine's big reveal that he's a Jew. He played the shofar...


Cynic has always been a band known for defying the confines of any particular genre. Their classic, 1993 debut Focus remains unrivaled by most...


Jeez, it's only Tuesday? It feels like Thursday, which is terrible, because it's not Thursday, and there are still two more days until it...

RIP a Livecast

In the first hour of the show, we played some of the Lou Reed and Metallica collaboration, Lulu (which you can listen to here),...


Move over Rock Band and Guitar Hero. This is some next level shit. Meet Maayan Migdal. Migdal had a vision – record air drums....

Back in the Day

Once upon a time there was a magical symphonic black metal super group (try saying that 5 times fast) that spent the better half...


When you review an album from one of your favorite bands, you're torn in a couple directions. In one sense, your passion for them...


When it comes to the David Vincent era of Morbid Angel, there’s really no debate; the band was at the top of their game....


Deconstruction and Ghost have certainly been some of the most anticipated records of the year for me personally, and now the wait is finally...

Around the Interwebs

Metalheads, we're everywhere. Even a member Al-Qaeda throws up the horns! While we typically don't like to get all political here on the blog...


I have this game I play with myself (not that one you pervert) where I'll take a band like Faith No More, and wonder...


Dennis Lyxzén, lead singer to the deceased Swedish hardcore band REFUSED, has resurfaced as he is in the process of writing a book detailing...

Tour Diary

The Human Abstract is currently on the road with The Atticus Metal tour. Guitarist A.J Minette will be checking in frequently with updates from...


Two audio roundups in just as many days? Must be a good week. Today, we go a bit more underground with new tunes from...


By Ben Apatoff Solo albums tend to follow one of two paths. One being "Here's something I wouldn't normally do with my band" (see...

RIP a Livecast

Click Here To Watch The Video This Week's Behind The Scenes In celebration of the first night of Hanukkah, we had a huge edition...

Upcoming Releases

It's no secret that we love Between The Buried And Me around these here parts. We've had many many awesome moments with the band...

Upcoming Releases

by: Frank Godla SO STOKED! If you're not familiar with Willowtip Records you should be ashamed of yourself, kick your own ass, then stop...

Breakups & Shakeups

Click Here To Watch The Video You'd think a band who's been name checked on All My Children would be swimming in millions of...

RIP a Livecast

This week, we were joined by the guitar god himself, Thor Shredsteen. Thor discussed his political aspirations, as well as his sexual prowess. We...

Marketing Genius

Oh, the Japanese…what will they think of next? I think we can all agree that the apex of rock stardom for guitarists comes when...


We sent old-school death metal fan James Zalucky to the NY stop of the Summer Slaughter tour to get an old school fan's perspective...