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Music Videos

Promo video for Ulver's take on Beau Brummels' 'Magic Hollow' taken from the forthcoming album 'Childhood's End'. Directed by Justin Oakey. CLASSIC PSYCHEDELIC TRACKS...

Best of 2012

Here are my favorite albums of the year:

Upcoming Releases

March is about five months away, but Born Of Osiris want you to know that's exactly when they will be entering the studio to...

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Now that Deftones have hit the road in support of Koi No Yokan, which comes out November 13, they are of course doing a ton...


Up and coming metalcore act from Verona, Italy, Upon This Dawning is here with their debut album on Fearless Records. Being that it’s their...

Upcoming Releases

In five days it'll be October, which in my mind signifies the beginning of Fall. And do you know what that means? Pumpkin beer,...

Upcoming Releases

Well, we took a week off here at The Weekly Injection, (and by that I mean, I took a week off, and only the...

Upcoming Releases

It's been a rough couple of weeks, I know, but this is our salvation (in other words: I finally get to write some happy...

Upcoming Releases

The Metal Gods have frowned upon us, resulting in what could be the most desolate new release week in the history of this column....


Sophomore slump has plagued countless bands, regardless of the genre. It’s always difficult to follow up an album that could have taken any number...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch...


Stream the album in full at themusic.com.au If you had asked me several years ago if I ever thought a band like France’s Gojira...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...

Upcoming Releases

This memorial day weekend was filled with BBQ and beer and fake patriotism, so in his infinite wisdom Uncle Sam decided not to give...

Upcoming Releases

I'm not in the mood for witty anecdotal introductions this week. But I am in the mood to be mean. Check below for some...

Upcoming Releases

A glance at this weeks release schedule will immediately reveal two things; a lack of major releases, and an absurd amount of releases you've...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...


Owing either to their Italian origins or a discography heretofore released on small, defunct labels or the band's own Supernatural Cat imprint – most...


Sigh have always gotten by on a certain eclectic restlessness, an ADD amalgam of dichotomous moods and paraphrased genres. At times their sheer adventurousness...


Jonathan Davis is ahead of the game, ya'll. He's beyond metal, beyond rock… he's on that electronic tip. He's now collaborating with DJs, like...

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Look, Foo Fighters is not really a metal band, but time and time again, Dave Grohl continues to do really awesome fucking things, and...


When our photographer Aline Miladinovich had the opportunity to spend a few weeks bunking on Mayhem's tour bus, this past Fall, she could not...

Best of 2011

It's been a pretty kick ass year for metal. A lot of great follow ups from established bands, a few new surprises, and plenty...