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Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome to the first ever Bandcamp Buried Treasure article, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

Upcoming Releases

Turing twenty-five was pretty rough. Becoming "a quarter century old," as everyone liked to remind me, does get you a lot of free drinks...

Latest News

Members of Morbid Angel, In Flames, and Hardcore Superstar have united to form Nero 5468, which is a very confusing band name that I...

Latest News

I had an old lady hit on me at work today. Literally in her 70's maybe 80's. I offered to have someone help bring...

Tour Dates

Rob Zombie announced that he'd be doing his Great American Nightmare Festival in October and November of this year in Los Angeles. It sounds...


Return To Annihilation is Locrian's most accessible album, although "accessible" is a subjective word. Considering how challenging much of the Chicago trio's back catalog...


When he's not being shocked off stage, Emmure frontman Frankie Palmeri makes his love for Limp Bizkit known, even going as far as tweeting...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...


Oh my God the new Nine Inch Nails track, "Came Back Haunted" rules.

Open Metacast

There's an old saying in electronics that refers to releasing the magic smoke whenever you do something to fry a piece of hardware. Well,...

Fuck Yes!

Holy shit! There's a new Nine Inch Nails record in the works! Get on in here right now and hear the good news!


Be cautious when buying the new album from the Shining: if you are expecting a black metal opus, there may be confusion with their Swedish...


Capture the Crown released this new song called "Rebearth." Why is there a reference to a bear in the title, you ask? Mainly because...


Whoa, Huntress just got a huge seal of approval from a Golden God of heavy metal. The band, who is working on a new album...


Shaun Lopez (Far, Crosses), or Easy Girl as he's credited on the album, remixed the title track off Dillinger Escape Plan's new album. It's...

Injection Reflection

This is the craziest week in recent memory. Between the passing of Jeff Hanneman, this meth lab situation and of course this trial of...

Latest News

After a week of silence, the WEEKLY INJECTION has returned with a shiny new writer. There are a few gems on the list of...

Upcoming Releases

Spring is here again and that means chirping birds, blooming flowers, and a new album from everyone's favorite trve kvlt, church burning, racist murderer!


Two years after breaking through with Furnace, Brooklyn's finest, Batillus, are back with Concrete Sustain, a collection of six fairly lengthy but surprisingly lean and focused updates on...


Last I looked the economy was still in the shitter, so the theme of this year's preface is doing SXSW on the (relative) cheap....

Open Metacast

Welcome to a special interview episode of Open Metalcast. Recently we got the chance to speak to Nihil from the band Khadaver. Khadaver is...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...

Latest News

Tosin mothafuckin' Abasi is one of the greatest shredders in modern metal. His band, Animals As Leaders constantly pushes boundaries. He is an inspiration...