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Search results for "Shes"

Best of 2021

What an incredible year of music! In preparing this year's list, I listened to over 500 albums, narrowed those down to 60 finalists, and...

Best of 2021

2021 was a great year for metal. It feels like we say that every year at Metal Injection, but this year felt different. With...

Scene Report

Talking about Gorevent, Butcher ABC, Gotsu Totsu Kotsu, Anatomia, and more.

Best of 2021

As with most years, my favorite albums of 2021 comprise metal and non-metal releases. Likewise, my picks in both cases are from household names...

Music Videos

Featuring Wata on vocals the whole time, which rules.


Thanksgiving is the perfect time to start a gratitude journal in order to express your appreciation for all the bands that are currently working...


Define prolific? Fenriz. Define magnetic? Fenriz. Define genius? Gylve Fenris Nagell, who was born Leif Gylve Nagell, is the answer to everything. Fenriz first let...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Aephanemer, Ross Jennings, Khemmis, The Lurking Fear, Me And That Man, Pathology, and Swallow The Sun.


"Spinning the record reveals harrowing atmospherics, a sense of grandiosity, devastating emotional weight and wrenching mood swings all woven around a diverse stanchion of...


"This is Obscura standing more unencumbered and iconoclastically as they push the quality of their own work."

Breakups & Shakeups

"However sad it is to not have Axe in the band anymore, we're not in a position to linger on anything that is going...


Richmond, Virginia’s Lamb of God are one of the premier heavy acts of this millennium. With a instantly recognisable sound, both aggressively fierce yet...


I'm guessing Paul Stanley won't be getting a Christmas card from his sister, Julia Eisen, this holiday season, as she has lashed out at...


"This gears Live in North America more towards completionists and those who are really, really going to miss Mullen."


A riff may not be a song – but you CAN make a whole song starting from a single riff. I’m gonna show you...

New Music

It's great to see Confess, the Iranian band that fled after being charged with blasphemy in their home country, thriving in their new home country...


"Adventurousness comes in the form of an expanded exploration of their melodic side, making it at once the band's 'least' death metal but most...

Full Album Stream

The spooky season may be behind us, but death metal is always on the horizon. And so long as we are plowing ahead through...


Reality is often a far cry from the animated series Metalocalypse in which the global economy depends on the world’s best death metal band, Dethklok. The joke...

Music Videos

Not based on the book, but a memory associated with it.


"Cradle Of Filth's 13th album might not recreate the torture rack, to put it in Cradle Of Filth terms, but it hits the target."