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Song of the year, without a doubt.

Weekly Injection

Holy hell people. This edition of THE WEEKLY INJECTION is a beast. If you like death metal you'll be blowing so much money this...

Around the Interwebs

Metal Injection has previously documented the various and sundry heavy covers of Game of Thrones's opening theme song. HBO's massive hit is easily the...

Tour Dates

While most might think of Tampa, Florida, as the home of death metal, many may soon see the city as the host of the...

Weekly Injection

Here's that week I've been holing out for. Lots of good stuff this week. This edition includes some comedy metal, varying degrees of death...

Latest News

Flynn makes a great point... a long point, but a great one nonetheless.

Tour Dates

It's the tour you've been waiting for since the 90's!

Upcoming Releases

Does this mean we get new Goatwhore by the summer?

Marketing Genius

Somebody give the marketing guy a raise!

Weekly Injection

Following a slow week, we're being hit with a near over abundance of solid records. In this edition we have tech-death legends, a Human...

Tour Dates

The band even signed a Cessation of Touring Agreement legally binding them to never tour again.

Weekly Injection

Welcome to the first REAL week of releases of 2014! Lots of shit! Some of it good!


It was not a very merry Christmas at the Spitz household. Former Anthrax guitarist, and current Red Lamb guitarist Dan Spitz was arrested early...

Music Videos

Lyric video for the song O Come, O Come Azrael off of Death Metal Christmas – Hellish Renditions of Christmas Classics. Just in time...

Upcoming Releases

Death metal pioneers Cannibal Corpse recently celebrated their 25th anniversary as a band and show absolutely no sign of stopping! In fact, we can expect...

Weekly Injection

This is Thanksgiving week. The time for families to sit around a table and try to avoid obvious awkward topics. What is the best...

Latest News

It turns out that Donald Tardy, the drummer for pioneering death metal band Obituary, runs a unique charity with his wife when he's not out laying...

Latest News

Obituary took to KickStarter to raise a modest $10,000 for a new record, of which they raised over $60,000 because they're Obituary and people...

br00tal Comedy

After creating an amazing short video for "5 Minutes on Low," Gainesville, Florida's Joey Siler decided to make a full-blown series. What better way to...

Weekly Injection

Now I usually don't use this space for any sort of promotion, because why would I? No one reads this part. Fuck it though....

Latest News

Apparently all the beers, coffees, alcohols and bourbon sauces weren't for Slash to put his name on… nope. The former Guns N' Roses guitarist has...