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GOATWHORE Will Release Constricting Rage Of The Merciless This July

It rolls right off the tongue!

It rolls right off the tongue!

Well here it is! Goatwhore will be dropping their new record Constricting Rage of the Merciless on Jul. 8 via Metal Blade Records. The album was record with Erik Rutan of Hate Eternal fame at his Mana Recording Studios in St. Petersburg, Florida.

The band were serious about getting that analog sound, so the entire album was tracked to 2" tape and not digitally, as is common practice now. I'm looking forward to hearing what that sounds like.

It's also worth noting that while the band are about to hit the road the Metal Alliance tour with Behemoth and 1349, and surely we'll get some new song teasers by then. I'm assuming there is plenty more touring down the line for Goatwhore.

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