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One of the big stories of the weekend was Bad Wolves announced their split from Tommy Vext. Or was it Vext who announced his...

This Is Just A Tribute

Megaforce is responsible for bands like Metallica, Anthrax, Overkill, Testament, and Ministry.

It's Just Business

It may have been an attack on those using third-party advertisers.

RIP a Livecast

It's the first RIP a Livecast of 2021, and we have plenty to catch up on. We kick things off by paying tribute to...

Bummer Alert

The 63rd annual Grammy Awards were scheduled be distributed on January 31st on CBS, but two separate reports indicate the ceremony will now be...

This Is Just A Tribute

What an awful way to kick off 2021, with the news that former Children of Bodom guitarist Alexi Laiho died in his home last...


Even though touring isn't happening at the moment, there are plenty of chess pieces being put into place for the moment that live events...

RIP a Livecast

Where does the time go? 600 episodes! It's a very celebratory episode of the RIP a Livecast. We allowed fans to crash the party...

At The Movies

You may have heard that Wonder Woman 1984 came out on Christmas Day. The much-hyped sequel in the DC Comics universe was released to...

Around the Interwebs

Well, that didn't take long. Earlier this week, Danzig's current girlfriend, actress/model Ashley Michele Wisdom posted a photo of Danzig sitting cross-legged, deeply focused on...


Courtesy of Adam Neely and Dadabots.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the Hulk Hogan vehicle, No Holds Barred. Make sure to come back later this week for a bonus...

Around the Interwebs

It's hard to believe it's the end of the year, but things are slowing down. Perhaps some people are doing some cleaning projects –...

Music Videos

A very clear statement against war.

Shocking Revelations

We haven't been keeping up much with As I Lay Dying, because, well, you know. Tim Lambesis has been living his life though, playing...

Music Videos

Extreme Belarusian Avant Garde duo Mora Prokaza are back and as artistic as ever! Easily one of the most groundbreaking bands I've ever come...

RIP a Livecast

We're excited to have Trevor Strnad of The Black Dahlia Murder on to talk about the band's big livestream event, Yule 'Em All, that...

RIP a Livecast

We're very excited to have the Greatest Man, The Red Chord bassist Greg Weeks, back on the show to talk about his new band,...