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Search results for "ink"

Shocking Revelations

Former Death and Cynic drummer Sean Reinert was not allowed to donate organs after his death, Jan. 24, due to the fact he was...


We're so excited to finally have British death match legend Jimmy Havoc on the show. We talked about how he got into pro wrestling...

Metal Crimes

The domestic terrorist admitted to the burnings, saying he hoped it would boost his black metal cred.

Latest News

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let's grind it out with Lurid Panacea's The Insidious Poisons.

Breakups & Shakeups

"You don’t navigate anymore, but you’re being steered around."

Tour Dates

Megadeth and Lamb of God were long rumored to be the headlining acts on this summer's returning Mayhem Fest. Turns out, that wouldn't be...

New Music

Leach has jumped into the world of electronica with new track "Luminescent Dreams," featuring his multi-talented girlfriend Philia Porphyra.

New Music

Kvaen–the one-man black metal project of Ghost Ship Octavius touring guitarist Jakob Björnfot–is gearing up to release his debut album, The Funeral Pyre, on...


While we were pretty amped over the rumors of Megadeth and Lamb of God possibly headlining the upcoming return of Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem...

Music Videos

"Swedish psychedelic adventure rock" is a very apt tag for these guys.

br00tal Comedy

On the most recent edition of the RIP a Livecast, we spent a good portion of the show discussing Vince Neil literally phoning it in...

Music Videos

Sepultura released their killer new album Quadra today, which if you haven't heard it then you need to. Or at least check out the band's...

Tour Dates

Guns N' Roses surprised everybody when they announced a brand new stadium tour for this summer. Tickets went on sale today, and they're not...

Tour Dates

If you want to see Slipknot this summer, and you want to pit, it ain't going to be cheap. Tickets officially went on sale...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include groove masters, grind masters, grunge masters, and more! To the metals...

New Music

The Brooklyn, NY-based blackened shoe-gaze prog outfit, Prostitution, have just outdone themselves with their latest release, a cover to Queen's 1977 hit "We Are...