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Search results for "Fucking"


"This latest record finds our favorite scumdogs going back to the early 90's a bit – back to their sweetspot."

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'A Foul Form' will be released on August 12 from Castle Face Records

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Trollfest, Michael Schenker Group, IATT, Def Leppard, and Decapitated.


Getting a little meta with it.

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"There's still 10 percent of caring, loving goodness."

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Ozzy thinks being a musician is way harder now overall.

New Music

The album features High On Fire, Midnight, Lord Buffalo, Creeping Death, and more!

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The statements come on the heels of a report that Hawkins' was looking to pump the brakes on his commitments to Foo Fighters

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He goes on vacation for three weeks first, though. Even an Energizer bunny like Dee needs some R n' R!

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Visions of Atlantis, Steaksauce Mustache, Moon Tooth, Master Boot Record, Jungle Rot, and Cage Fight.