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New Music

Their first with ex-Arch Enemy and Andromeda members!


"I wanted [Terminal Velocity] to reflect my identity and be my opportunity to say, 'Here’s what I’m all about.'"

Music Videos

Their debut single is streaming now and it's really good.

Upcoming Releases

"As soon as we can get something done, we're trying to get something released as fast as we can."


Kamelot have achieved an illustrious career over an impressive 30-some years. A band with this kind of longevity and fan-base practically owes it to...

Live Footage

From his coming live album Order of Magnitude – Empath Live Volume 1.

New Music

Hammered dulcimer metal is fantastic.


"We’re always trying to be where we want to be, not where other things around us are. . . . It’s better to keep...


Italian death metal band Bedsore comes through with a powerful debut of savage heaviness, transportive psychedelia and unnerving atmosphere.


Although Mushroomhead has had many lineup changes over their career, this most recent rendition is easily the most crucial shift as founding vocalist Jeffrey...

New Music

I imagine with the never-ending quarantine, we will be hearing a lot of music from various side projects, because everybody likely has so much...


Considering their numerous lineup changes, the Slipknot "feud," and origins in the industrial/alternative/nu metal era, it's safe to say that Mushroomhead has a somewhat...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include a crowd sourced album, sludgy covers, a future heavy star, and more! To the metals...