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Are you really shocked to learn that Slipknot have announced all their touring for the summer is officially on hold? I know I'm not....

Breakups & Shakeups

It's David Diepold of Cognizance.


Wailin Storms' third LP supercharges the band's genre-bending doom rock with emotive storytelling and terrifying atmosphere.

Around the Interwebs

Say what you will about Grohl, but the man loves live music.

Tour Dates

Suicide Silence are trying something new. They have announced they will be a virtual tour later this year, and have confirmed New York and...

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Guns N Roses have been mum on their summer touring plans and how they plan to deal with the ongoing pandemic. They were set...

Live Footage

If you didn't happen to catch Kreator's set in Chile in 2018, or you just really miss live shows right now, then here's your...


As this dreadful virus wages a massive toll on the global economy, on people’s jobs and on so many lives, the music industry is...


Featuring Obsequiae, Æther Realm, Mesarthim, and more!

Tour Dates

Century Media is giving the whole streaming concerts thing a try (I guess they're not keen on the drive-in gigs). They just announced their...

Upcoming Releases

Safe to assume things are nearly done.

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"I think that it would be good, if we could do that."

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"With this time off, that maybe— something to do while we're at home."

Music Videos

Ligature Marks gives us a spooky treat with their new single, “Fell For Fiction”, from their upcoming album due out later in 2020. The...