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Metallica, Exodus, Megadeth, Testament and many other Bay Area legends featured.

Latest News

Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor and his wife Alicia were teasing a big announcement last month, and they spilled the beans during a recent interview...

New Music

It also has a fun video game visualizer.

Live Footage

Features songs from the Devin Townsend Project, Devin Townsend Band, and Strapping Young Lad.


Featuring Nine Inch Nails, Death Grips, Leprous, Gojira, Between the Buried and Me, and more!

Latest News

Has he really spent time looking?

Live Footage

Every Time I Die's full set from "'Tid the Season" has been posted online by prolific streamer hate5six. Watch the band tear it up...


The film combines new interviews, backstage access and an exclusive live session.

Music Videos

From drummer/vocalist Richard Hoak: “Sit down and shut up. Total Fucking Destruction has issued mandatory guidelines regarding mental relaxation and the ingestion of world...

New Music

Left Behind's vocalist is in there too.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include some death metal, some more death metal, and more!  To the metals...

Latest News

After ticketing agent Ticketmaster got a slew of negative publicity about quietly changing their refund policy to no longer offer refunds on most postponed...


Denver's own Khemmis have received no shortage of praise from fans and critics for each of their past three epic albums. Now, amidst the...

It's Just Business

The band was set to play clubs all over the country.

Gimme Metal's Top Tracks of the Week

Gimme Radio Program Director, Brian Turner, delivers the top 5 jaw-dropping tracks on Gimme Radio. VILE HORRENDOUS AERIAL BOMBARDMENT – Fascism Heard this on Anthony...