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Back in the Day

Unless you spent the past quarter century living in Michael Jackson's closet, chances are you've heard and/or seen the spectacle that is Mr. King...

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It's no secret we think this new FOX reality show with the Osbourne family is going to be really stupid. Thankfully, some Fox affilliate...

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New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, Crimson Management and The Syndicate are proud to announce the Second Annual Metal Insider Summit on April 17,...

Metal Up Your Ass

Concerned you're not up to the minute with your favorite bands' tour dates, special appearances, doc trailers and latest rumors? Don't worry. I got...

Tour Dates

Well, this certainly spices things up a bit! On the heels of their big tour announcement, DRAGONFORCE have announced who they will be taking...

tr00 and False

If one thing can be said about the writers of Metal Inquisition (besides the fact that they are assholes) is they are heavily opinionated. Its also...

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Former NINE INCH NAILS (and a shit ton of other bands) drummer Josh Freese has a new solo record titled Since 1972 coming out....

Back in the Day

In 199,5 Florida-based death metal legends Morbid Angel, celebrated the release of their 4th (letter D) studio album "Domination" to a world of criticism....

Go See This Fucking Band

Last night, the entire Metal Injection crew came out for what may end up being the biggest show of 2009: Meshuggah, Cynic and The...


Anyone who's ever been to any sort of metal show (or seen This is Spinal Tap) knows that there's none more black than a...

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Ever wished you could make it out to one of those ginormous metal festivals that get thrown in the UK? Wanted to be a...

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New MASTODON! New MASTODON! New MASTODON! The band premiered a brand new song, "Divinations", from their new studio album Crack The Skye, on this...

Tour Dates

As we reported a few weeks ago, LAMB OF GOD is heading out on a headlining tour to support their upcoming release Wrath and...

Revelations of Doom

After a long hiatus of sorts (also known as trying not to fail out of college and gallivanting across the country in search of...

State of Metal

Sure, we all dump on the Garden State just because it’s responsible for Bon Jovi. But to be entirely fair (for once,) that’d be...


The first RIP a Livecast of 2009 is now on the air. Tune in as Rob, Noa and 3D talk about METALLICA, OZZY OSBOURNE,...


One of my biggest regrets of the last year is missing Metal Misha's greatest nemisises, GWAR when they came around New York. Luckily, the...

In the News

As previously reported, rumored acts for 2009's Gigantour lineup included Bullet for My Valentine and Avenged Sevenfold, under annual headliners Megadeth. Now Megadeth drummer...

Upcoming Releases

One of next year's most anticipated releases will be the new LAMB OF GOD record set to come out next February. It's no secret...

Latest News

Of all the worthless award shows, the Grammys have to be the kings of worthlessness. Every year, who wins is not even about who...

Latest News

Remember when we posted this awesome video last week? Here I thought, some kids have way too much time on their hands. Turns out,...

Free Swag

Oh my Buddha! This has got to be the biggest giveaway in Metal Injection history. In celebration of the release of MUDVAYNE's new CD,...

Upcoming Releases

GOD FOBID's new record, Earthsblood doesn't come out until February, but we got our hands on some exclusive audio samples from the record. Check...