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Best of 2017

Hooray, this marks my third time whipping up a good ol' end-of-the-year list! And I gotta say, it's not exactly getting easier choosing who...

It's Just Business

Today, Spotify is just one of the resources that has changed the music game. Yet an old medium can make a big difference to...

Core Breakdown

Pennsylvania’s Taste The Steel shares a gripping new track in "Prevaricate"

Song Premiere

From blastbeats to aching choruses, this one's a keeper.

Upcoming Releases

Taylor still has a year and half left in his Stone Sour commitment.

Dank Slams

Scotland. Not the country that first comes to mind when thinking in terms of skanky dankness. Sure, it might be a bit dank –...


It's insanely violent, it's got death metal, and there's a guitar that you're not allowed to pretend like it's your dick while you're playing...

Latest News

The band's first LP since 2013's Serpents Unleashed.

Around the Interwebs

Is this a good idea? I'm leaning towards no.

Full Album Stream

FFO: Nails, Sect, All Pigs Must Die, End, pretty much anything Kurt Ballou touches.


Embrace the chaos and hell that is The Kennedy Veil's Imperium


With Death Revenge, Exhumed have crafted a fun, worthwhile listen, especially with Halloween just around the corner. I'm especially impressed with the historical inspiration,...

New Music

Since that's what the album is about and all.


"We love those goddamn Greyhound buses, they are awesome and I wanna lick them in real life."

Shocking Revelations

I feel very lucky and privileged to live in New York City, where on any night, there could be as many as three or...

Music Videos

The music video takes inspiration from horror flicks like The Exorcist, Evil Dead, and, the original A Nightmare on Elm Street, and is NSFW thanks to some...

Metal Crimes

The former Lostprophets vocalist is still a major scum bag.