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I don't understand this desire for a Pantera reunion with Zakk Wylde filling in for Dimebag. Just…no! Forget about the fact that Vinnie Paul...


We love talking about Dave Mustaine, and his many loony rants, so much so that we now have a whole section on the blog...

Upcoming Releases

One of the biggest questions in metal right now is when is Slipknot going to put out new material. We know it will happen....

Fuck Yes!

The man, the myth and the vocalist known as Bruce Dickinson has just taken a step in the legendary direction. Not only does this...

Tour Dates

Before today, Black Sabbath only had two official shows scheduled on their itinerary, UK's legendary Download Festival in June and then the Lollapalooza festival in...


The Faceless's upcoming release has almost reached Necrophagist-levels of mythos. People have even come up to me asking if I knew when it would...

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If you're a listener of our weekly Livecast, you know how much of a wrestling fan, neigh, mark that I am. I love reading...

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We heard rumors of a leaked lineup a few days ago, and it seems it was true. Black Sabbath will be playing their only...

Upcoming Releases

I was a really big fan of Deftones' last release, Diamond Eyes when it came out in 2010. It was Deftones proving they are...


We will be uploading a ton of videos over the course of the next few weeks that we shot at South By Southwest a...


I should preface this with a bit of an NSFL alert, because it will involve discussion of Sharon Osbourne's nether regions. For some reason,...

Upcoming Releases

While Slipknot is still having problems trying to figure out what they're doing for their new record, Corey Taylor and Jim Root's other band,...

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Mike Smith's decision to leave Suffocation was pretty much inevitable, he says, and he can no longer make a living playing in Suffocation full time....

Upcoming Releases

It's coming! We've been getting really amped for finally hearing some new music from this long talked about collaboration between Opeth frontman Mikael Akerfeldt and...

Upcoming Releases

One of the heaviest bands this side of the (ahem) Nile river, NILE is getting ready to make their return to the public eye....

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The more I hear about this ridiculous Metallica 3D movie project, the less I am interested in it. First they hire producer Charlotte Huggins, who's...


Obligatory reminder to check out our previous installments: Metal Injection Metal Guide to SXSW 2012 Part 1: Stoner / Doom / Sludge Metal Injection...

Upcoming Releases

Does Rob Zombie even need to make music anymore? He is like the modern AC/DC. Every some has the same drum beat, and the same...

Black Metal History

During our wonderful corpse paint tutorial, the lovely Karlynn Holland asked you, the Metal Injection junkies to submit photos of yourselves donning corpse paint....

Latest News

This is interesting. Although Black Sabbath have cancelled most of their European festival appearances due to Tony Iommi's need for lymphoma treatment, it seems...

Mustaine Mania

We've been covering the insane things Dave Mustaine says so much lately, that I've decided to create a new category to store all his...

Latest News

Last week, Dave Mustaine said he would vote for Rick Santorum and in turn got a ton of publicity for it, only to retract...

Injection Reflection

What a busy week in heavy metal this has between. Between all the new music this week, the crazy Black Sabbath news, and all...