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Search results for "Hard"


Coheed & Cambria's and Mastodon's co-headlining tour stormed through Brooklyn this past weekend and the two bands brought prog awesomeness to Coney Island, Brooklyn....

Celebrity Metalheads

Momoa called it a "childhood dream" come true.

Upcoming Releases

Fomer guitarist Tripp Essen, who was once kicked out of the band for having been arrested after having sex with two underage girls, also...

At The Movies

If the cover art to the score of 3 From Hell is any indication, we finally have some idea who the actual 3 From...

Latest News

Mastodon have been practicing!

Live Footage

Yes, the gaming convention DreamHack Dallas.

Music Videos

The Agonist will release their new album Orphans on September 20 and have announced it with a brand new song and video "In Vertigo"....

Injection Reflection

Summer might not officially start for a few weeks but things are heating up. Here's what you missed this week. SLIPKNOT's Jay Weinberg Discusses...


Norwegian extreme metal titans Darkthrone's latest album Old Star continues in the vein of 2016's Arctic Thunder, but with even more variety.


Heavy metal has its share of iron men. The road warriors who carve out three-quarters of their year trekking across the globe melting faces,...

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include the last new recordings of a great band, some splendid newer acts, bird puns, and more!


Crusty new wave of old school death metal? Yes please!


"I’ve played it safe for the past decade with DTP [Devin Townsend Project] and I have a lot of things left to say that...


Read an interview with the band's new vocalist and check out exclusive photos from the recording process of the band's new album, The Disconnect!

Metal In The Mainstream

I haven't really paid much attention to basketball since the Knicks absolutely blew it in the late 90s, but I'm very excited for Toronto...

Full Album Stream

FFO: Budgie, Motorpsycho, Thin Lizzy, Blue Öyster Cult

Music Videos

Brutal Grooves To Get Your Wednesday Into Gear!


Tool is making their way across Europe for summer rock festival season, and they kicked things off in Berlin on June 2nd. New footage...