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Search results for "Prison"


FFO: Nile, Cannibal Corpse, Hour of Penance...

New Music

Dear Bison, please never disappear for a while ever again. We missed you.

The Wednesday Sludge

The newly-reformed Iron Monkey entered the studio earlier this year to record a new album.

Thrash Attack

Head banging with death metal thrashers Horrible Creatures and their latest record Pitfall.


Trumpeting Ecstasy takes is one that follows the course and structure of the band’s live show and having Full of Hell pretty much put...


Current Arch Enemy vocalist Alissa White-Gluz made her name in her previous band, The Agonist, of which she was a co-founder. Then, she got her...


FFO: Opeth, Paradise Lost, Cradle of Filth...


If The Obsessed does indeed turn out to be Wino's exclusive gig for the foreseeable future, he could have definitely picked a worse way...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Holy Grinder’s Eradicate All Scum.

Latest News

For real this time. No more surprise records.


Wino is a doom metal godfather, we sat down with him for thirty minutes of stories and wisdom.

Show Recap

Austin Terrorfest left the gathered masses utterly decimated. Here's how it went down.


With the continued – and intentional – contraction of SXSW in 2017, an effort between SXSW, the business entity, and the city of Austin...

Metal Crimes

Back in September, we reported on the crazy story of a Wisconsin Juggalo named Jonathan Schrap amputating the pinky finger of Shelby Neuens. Neuens was fully in on...

Metal Crimes

The guy on the left, that's Nickelback drummer Daniel Adair. The guy on the right? That is Howard Koenig, who was just arrested for two felony fraud-related...

Injection Reflection

We're going to spend the weekend in bed getting over our 70,000 tons of Metal hangover, here's what you missed this week: CONFIRMED: AS...


Yesterday, we learned the shocking news that As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis had been released from prison. Lambesis served only two and...

Latest News

David Rodgers, one of the most important people in the underground today, sat down with us for an enlightening interview on his work with...

Upcoming Releases

We've heard two tracks from the new Emmure record so far, the lead single "Torch" and the not-so-subtly titled "Russian Hotel Aftermath." Today, the...


It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Age of Violence by Internal Damage. First and foremost, a very happy New...

Music Videos

Former Dark Funeral bassist, Zorn, has begun a new symphonic metal project that explores a more dramatic flair for metal music. The project, entitled Zornheym, is releasing...


When King 810 announced they will be hosting 4 special dates of avant-garde immersive performances this December, they managed to stir up more questions...