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Around the Interwebs

Cronos meets the Queen Bee.

Latest News

Just in case you needed further clarification.


Oh it's so disgusting. Noisem, you filthy, glorious bastards!

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot and Stone Sour frontmamn Corey Taylor will be dropping a very briefly-titled book You’re Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common...

Latest News

We are magic in the night/We are shadow, we are light /We are forever you and I/We're STARS!

Live Footage

Yesterday, Refused announced a comeback and released a new song, and today, we already have a video of a live performance. The internet is...

As a fan of music for my entire life, I've seen a zillion things get remastered but I never really thought about how that's...

Tour Dates

The freak show might be coming to a town near you!

Around the Interwebs

Disney gone metal!


Gothenburg, Sweden's used-to-be best kept secret until last year's masterful Empress Rising, Monolord, have unveiled their latest heavy hitter that comes fully equipped with...

Tour Dates

Down is playing Gwar-B-Q on Aug. 15 in Richmond, so why wouldn't the group tour a little bit around it? You're basically shit outta...

Bands and Booze

Nergla's got a bar now and the logo in the teaser is for a brewery.

Metal Injection Exclusives

On this episode of On The Record, we take a look at how album art has affected heavy metal, and how it has been...

So basically all of 'em. Complete with Metallica costumes!


Five years ago, when Germany’s Morgoth announced their return to active duty after a twelve year layoff, there was a pretty good chance I...


So much potential. So little in the way of answers.

Metal In The Mainstream

Sharon! We've been cancelled again.

Upcoming Releases

According to Chino Moreno, it's all done but the vocals!