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Search results for "Shes"


I was really pumped to hear the new Intronaut full-length, Habitual Levitations (Instilling Words with Tones) when I heard the first single, "Milk Leg,"...


If you missed it earlier in the week, Halestorm won the lone hard rock/heavy metal award at the Grammys this past weekend. For some...

Music Videos

From their new self-titled CD in stores September 29th

Music Videos

Dawn Of Ashes' new video for 'Transformations Within Fictional Mutation' off their album 'Genocide Chapters'


Well, this is shocking. One of the many questions guitarist Devin Townsend gets on a daily basis during interviews is if he ever sees...


Ever since Peter Dolving quit The Haunted a few months ago, both he and the remaining band members have kept quiet on his departure....


Russian people really like Suffocation, especially one cute death metal chick who, as you can see in the above video, kept crowd surfing to...

Go See This Fucking Band

By Ben Apatoff Like most fanatical music dorks, I spend the holiday season listening to my favorite records of the year, in vain hopes...


If you ever find yourself in the Los Angeles area, and end up at the most metal bar in town, The Rainbow, chances are...


I don't know how my buddies at MetalSucks found this but I am completely on board. A company called "And Vinyly" seeks to serve...


God damn, what a year to be a metal fan. New Alice in Chains, new Slayer and NEW MEGA-FUCKING-DETH! Roadrunner have posted a free...

Latest News

As promised, here are some of the unedited, raw interviews we shot at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards Black Carpet. These are just half...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I’m the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...


When I was out grabbing information for Zatokrev, I had read a few places described them as a doom/death version of Neurosis. The double...

Latest News

 After a performance at the Nova Rock festival in Austria, CLAWFINGER frontman Zak Tell bashes SLAYER in a recently posted press release. An excerpt follows: "Jocke...

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                        ARCH ENEMY's front woman Angela Gossow recently posted an update on the band's homepage. She has just finished recording vocals for all...

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Metallers SUICIDE SILENCE posted a blog on their official Myspace Page regarding recent comments about their merchandise recently being entered into Hot Topic's inventory....


The first time time I heard Into Eternity, they opened for Hate Eternal on a bill heavy with growl-and-gurgle death metal bands. Imagine my...

At The Movies

"The viewer feels fully immersed in the experience, with an impressive production quality in terms of both sight and sound."

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"All of a sudden, I'm challenged with, 'I gotta play some Eddie parts.'"

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"It's almost like a spy-like double-agent look into the Japanese music business and the Japanese entertainment industry."


"Ulcerate treads the line between death metal’s experimental frontier, and its savage foundations."

Tour Dates

Meanstreak and Held Hostage will also appear in the bill.