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This is getting dirty.


Mid-paced annihilation? I'm in.

10 Year Anniversary

Metal Injection started as a humble website in 2004 and in the ten years that followed we have morphed into the mega-site you know...

10 Year Anniversary

Metal Injection started as a humble website in 2004 and in the ten years that followed we have morphed into the mega-site you know...

10 Year Anniversary

Drummer Chris Adler recently took some time to wish us a happy 10th.


The Haunted bring it on their new track!

Full Album Stream

Take a listen and tell us what you think!


Like a droning grandpa, unfortunately.


The feud is over!

Kids In Metal

Man, drummers are just getting better and better at an early age. Watch more Kids in Metal.

br00tal Comedy

This kid has a future in rock-n-roll. The smash happens at 3:40 and notice how stunned the audience is after.

Latest News

No word on if those dogs make an appearance.

If anyone's looking for a drummer...

Latest News

Can I pledge my allegiance to Allegaeon? Does it work like that?

Bummer Alert

This waiting for a new album is just overkill, man...

Gear Gods

I swear younger kid could outplay adults these days and it's a little bit freaky. In the best way possible of course because kids...


Machine Head are currently celebrating the tenth anniversary of their album Through the Ashes of Empires and frontman Rob Flynn has dedicated a series...


Heroism looms large in the metal pantheon. Yet as much fussing over the concept goes on, few of the genre's practitioners possess the conviction...

Music Videos

Matt Barlow, formerly of Iced Earth is back with a new group, Ashes of Ares. New self-titled album out now. Order it here.

br00tal Comedy

Jonah is a seven year old shredder on the drums. See these other kids shred: This 12-Year-Old Boy Will Make You Want To Quit...

Gear Gods

Here's a video of Tina, 14, covering Eddie Van Halen‘s famous “Eruption” guitar solo and nailing it. Great work, Tina!

Upcoming Releases

There's a new hardcore supergroup in the works called Get Involved!, which features former members of Glassjaw, Thursday, From Autumn To Ashes, Judge, and...