Hi, what are you looking for?
Happening next October.
Some pretty solid double bass work on it.
We wish Tim all the best.
Plus some cuts from Scream Bloody Gore.
Starting late next February.
Derek Engemann, bringing the low end.
A recent bout with the flu has not helped things.
Things were so grim, at one point, he was homeless.
Buzzworthy songs that buzz throughout the Gimme Metal office. Hibernus Mortis – "Vomitus Imperium" Stinking of fetid Florida Everglades humidity, Hibernis Mortis had a...
Third full-length LP is coming in February
Get the "Burn In Hell"-look with this new set of cosmetic products.
Merch cuts has become a pretty hot topic lately.
Their release schedule is a little insane these days.
Brown feels the shooter had already made his decision.
The rest of the year also includes releases from Lionheart, Woods of Desolation, Vented, The Wring, The Alpha Incident, Liv Moon, Trivum, Heaven Shall...
Sooner rather than later... hopefully.
Happening next August.
The performances were great. The festival... not so much.