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Search results for "bass"

Tour Dates

It's gonna be Mike Patton's brand of spooky.

Breakups & Shakeups

Turns out Harris did play on the last record.


Screw the five cups of coffee. Just play The Atomic Bitchwax’s latest album, Scorpio, from front to back, and you’ll be set for the...

Metal Merch

You may now join the road crew.

New Music

AC/DC keep the hype train rolling. This week, they confirmed that vocalist Brian Johnson, drummer Phil Rudd and bassist Cliff Williams were back in...

In The Studio

Swedish death metal band The Crown has entered Studio Fredman to record what will become their tenth studio album. "As it is known a...

Latest News

"Wear a goddamn mask. It's not about you; it's about the rest of us."

Live Footage

From his coming Order Of Magnitude - Empath Live Volume 1 live album.


The contributing elements that go into making noise rock an art form that’s at once gloriously transcendent, stridently isolating, sonically punishing, and slyly sarcastic...

Injection Reflection

Holy cow, it's October now? How did that happen? Put on some Type-O, and take a look at what you missed this week… 10-Year-Old...

Upcoming Releases

He's working with a "fine musician from Scotland."


Six Feet Under is no stranger to lineup changes. As a matter of fact, there’s been a completely new line up for the last...


Endarkenment leans harder into overwhelming speed and aggression when it counts most.


Corey Taylor. Corey. Motherf$%#ing. Taylor. Finally, the most electrifying man in music entertainment has come back to turn our candy asses inside out, with...

Upcoming Releases

"We've still got little punch-ins we need to do here and there, and then it's off into singing and solo land."

Upcoming Releases

It seems like the new single is right around the corner.

Song Premiere

The new cover features on a brand new compilation benefitting Markov Soroka and his family during their time of need.


There’s something about the crushing weight of doom metal and its relationship to nature that almost seems paradoxical. The natural world doesn’t need a...


"I said it early on that DevilDriver would get better as the records went down and I feel that is the case."