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Israeli blackened death metal frontman Moti "Butchered" Daniel talks about the Arallu's latest LP and more...

New Music

Five Finger Death Punch slow it down just a bit.

Upcoming Releases

The preview will leave you with some blue balls.

Shocking Revelations

"Creatively, the older we get, the more stuff we're gonna do. We're always going to be a heavy band."


There is something to be said for experience and longevity. If you, as a death metal musician, have survived decades upon decades in this...

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off talking about the recent geo-political events in pro wrestling. We then discuss Mike Francesa's return to the radio airwaves, Kerry...


This is an amazing edition of Squared Circle Pit as we have guitarist Nita Strauss on the show to discuss her incredible performance at...


None of the stories he has about these songs ever speak of Matt Pike wearing a shirt.

Mashups & Covers

Mashup artist DJ Cummerbund is back at it again with another excellent mashup. This time he takes UK pop artist Cher Lloyd's track "Want U...

Fuck Yes!

"Spending a week together as bandmates answered the question that has been on all of our minds - yes there is a future for...

Full Album Stream

A lot stood in Raven Throne's way to make it to this point today. The Belarussian black metal band went through a litany of changes...

Tour Dates

Ghost's biggest shows yet.


Breaking Benjamin. Synonymous in everyone's mind with the mild-yet-catchy chorus of “The Diary of Jane." At least it was that way for me. The Pennsylvania...


By far the cleanest version we've heard of the song yet.

RIP a Livecast

We kick this week's episode talking about St. Anger. There is a lot of Metallica talk in general, as we play some mashups, talk...


But he asks you kindly not to leave him a voicemail.