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Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

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So Tuomas Holopainen, the primary songwriter and keyboardist for Nightwish, is writing an album's worth of music based on a Disney comic book called "The Life...


Rudiments of Mutilation. Do you even need anything beyond that? It's a title that is immediately identifiable and stands out. It's one of those...


Listening to a new, young band like Starkill is sort of like playing a game of audio charades. Who do they most sound like?

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Minus that guy in the middle… just pretend he's Semesky.

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Yeah, I know; I'm at the point of barely even giving a crap either. The fact of the matter is that as much as...


Ancient VVisdom broke through last year when Prosthetic re-released their 2011 independent album A Godlike Inferno. Critics and punters alike found themselves enamored of the band's...

Upcoming Releases

Over the weekend, on January 13th to be precise,  a press release arrived in my mailbox announcing that Black Sabbath have named their new album 13...


Ufomammut, the Italian experimenters of space and sound, have returned with their second album of the year: Oro – “Opus Alter”. This album follows on...

Open Metacast

These are the continuing voyages of the podcast Open Metalcast, continuing to bring you the finest Creative Commons musical treasures from distant Internet sites....

Fuck Yes!

I am all about Curl Up and Die! They were quite amazing, but unfortunately broke up in 2005. I remember wearing a curlupanddie shirt to...


That there title represents that this CD compiles two out of print vinyl releases by Houston's Venomous Maximus, namely the The Mission EP and...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...


Owing either to their Italian origins or a discography heretofore released on small, defunct labels or the band's own Supernatural Cat imprint – most...


[tv]https://metalinjection.net/tv/view/8606/exodus-the-toxic-waltz-live-in-beijing[/tv] A ton of videos have been posted to the site over the last few days, specicially by videographer Frank Huang in his Pit...

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In the mysterious and disturbing country of Creepsylvania, times seem to be just as hard as they are in the States. You see, our...


Come join Bolthorn and myself for the second and final part of our 2011 Rewind! There was so much good music released this past...


Look at that album cover.  Just look at it.  Unless you're at work, in which case close this browser tab immediately. I'm assuming the...

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As if the delicious news about Aborted's new studio album is not enough to overwhelm the little, gore-happy kid in all of us, Relapse Records...

Breakups & Shakeups

In a shocking announcement on their official website, Killswitch Engage have announced they parted ways with Howard Jones. Here is the official statement:

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How many obsessive fan-boy deeds does it take to “terrify” Zakk Wylde? Just one: try an animal “sacrifice.” Providing the evidence is a Los...


Flourishing don't play by anyone's rules.  This is often a hallmark of interesting music that isn't ultimately engaging or enduring.  The Sum of All...


Lurching entreaties to rage and windswept howls of purging catharsis are two of the many pleasures offered up by Brooklyn bootstrappers Batillus.  With a...