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Weekly Injection

This edition is a doozy, and who doesn't love a doozy! Rhythmic melodic upstarts, fist-in-the-air veterans, doom, goblins, and more! To the metals…

Cinema Fix

We love our metal here at Metal Injection… but we dig movies too! Welcome to Cinema Fix, a movie guide tailored for the metal...


Two years ago Tribulation were making a big fish/small pond play at greatness courtesy the (no offense) stunted distribution of Invictus Productions. Proving that...

Latest News

It's a stretch, but the clues are definitely there.

Breakups & Shakeups

He learned he was fired from Skeletonwitch just like we did… over the internet!


pace doom progenitors Ufomammut, perhaps cut off from the immediacy of scene influences due to their residence in the mountainous Piedmont region of northwestern...


A look back at an uprising that captured the spirit of the heavy metal community a decade ago.


Last year, The Body and Thou unleashed a compilation album. Not the general compilation where they both pay it forward and split songs as...


As we jump forward into 2015, and discuss the albums we are looking forward to the most, we wrap up our 2014 Rewind! We...

Black Metal History

Into the band comes Teloch, a Norwegian guitarist who played in several other black metal bands and was a touring guitarist with Gorgoroth (another...

Black Metal History

ach person has his or her own way of delving into an art form. For me, books and documentaries have a colorizing effect on...

Weekly Injection

Ah yesssss, another lovely week for metal. Whether you want heavy as fuck sludge, melodic djent, or off the wall chaos, there is something...


Scotland's Falloch was last on the scene as a duo, since then vocalist/guitarist/tin whistle-ist Andy Marshall left the band opting instead for the much...

Best of 2014

After pouring over piles of releases and looking back on some of the brilliant music that emerged this year, it became apparent that this...

Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Upcoming Releases

It's been a few years since Blind Guardian released an original album, but, come February 3rd, 2015, Hansi Kürsch and company will be releasing...

Best of 2014

Picks include Opeth, Slipknot, Scar Symmetry and some bands you may not have heard of.

Latest News

If you haven't somehow come to check out Full of Hell in some incarnation right now, albeit their FOH Noise versions or their blasty,...

Metal Science

Meet Dendropsophus ozzyi.


Black metal. It's everywhere. So thus begs the question of what's worth approaching and what's worth tossing aside? The saturation of the genre can...


Justin Broadrick hasn't been this focused in years.


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.