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Search results for "awesome"


Black Sheep Wall are back with another sludgy masterpiece, and I really do mean masterpiece. It's everything good about the slow jams without all...


I originally heard about Karnivool from Between the Buried and Me guitarist Dustie Waring. Knowing Dustie wouldn't lie about a band's awesomeness, I checked...

Upcoming Releases

Trouble are back with lead singer Kyle Thomas to bring you The Distortion Field! Are you ready for the doom jams?


Revocation really cannot do any wrong when it comes to writing new jams, and they're proving that once more in their latest studio update!

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Justin Fontes who had the best zinger: They were 18 when the last necrophagist album came...

Around the Interwebs

Well this is fun. Andreas Kisser made an appearance on a children's show in Brazil called "Cocoricó." The entire conversation is in Portuguese, so...


Torche have a 7" coming out on Volcom Entertainment pretty soon, but you don't have to wait to jam the new song!

Upcoming Releases

Arsonists Get All the Girls are ready to release their 5th record, Listen to the Color, which will feature former vocalist Remi Rodberg.

Latest News

Satyricon are finally working on an album for late 2013 and planning a performance the with Norwegian National Opera Chorus. What a life, right?


Evan Brewer (The Faceless, ex-Animosity) is really coming into his own as a composer, and it shows on his latest album trailer.


Hey, remember when I was fawning about the Dave Grohl/Trent Reznor/Josh Homme collaboration for Grohl's Sound City soundtrack? Yea, it was awesome and it...


Serj Tankian has been up to some stuff, including a jam with Devin Townsend and Ihsahn! This is not that. This is orchestral music.


White Wizzard get all throwback-ey with their new jam "Kings of the Highway," and in no way is that a bad thing.


How do we know Frankie got electrocuted? He told us himself!


Heaven Shall Burn is a name that is pretty renowned across the Atlantic. They definitely have a good name for themselves in German metalcore;...


Decibel decided to grace your ears with their three-song rare flexi-disc of some live Pig Destroyer because they're nice people.

Latest News

Machine Head have been looking for a bassist for a little while now, and even had some big names like Christian Olde Wolbers formerly...

Upcoming Releases

Dude, when does Chino Moreno ever si† down a† his house and †hink, "y'know, I'm just gonna chill †his mon†h"? Anyway, he's coming back...

Upcoming Releases

All we know right now is that The Absence have something coming out called Oceans and it'll have Per Nilsson of Scar Symmetry on it....


Is it possible to have a fun and catchy grind song? Because Mumakil nailed that with their new tune "Wrong Turn."

Shocking Revelations

So we all knew that Howard Jones, formerly of Killswitch Engage, was a type-2 diabetes sufferer. What we didn't know was that the dude...


Ramming Speed might have just released what might the catchiest thrash song of 2013 by a long shot off their upcoming record, Doomed to...


Katatonia frontman Jonas Renkse and Pineapple Thief frontman Bruce Soord teamed up to create the band Wisdom of Crowds. It's precisely as awesome as...