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Fuck Yes!

Good news and bad news. The good news, Converse is celebrating the opening of a store in San Francisco next week by throwing five nights...

Upcoming Releases

Guitarist Mike Scaccia might have passed on in late 2012, but not without leaving the world with one more kickass Ministry record!

Around the Interwebs

Murder In The Front Row is an unbelievably awesome photo book chronicling the Bay Area scene and the thrash boom of the 80s and...


We are very big Gene Hoglan fans around these parts. Check out the interview Frank did with the drum god in 2010 for proof....


Puig Destroyer, which I thought was a typo for a while but is actually a grindcore "supergroup", posted their first single on Bandcamp! It's...

Upcoming Releases

Sepultura are not fucking around with this new record they are working on right now. They reunited with producer Ross Robinson, who helped them...

Upcoming Releases

Puig Destroyer…it's a thing now, apparently. A new all-star grindcore group has been formed featuring members of Thrice, Curlupanddie and Kowloon Walled City, inspired...


Not that you weren't expecting it, but the new Darkane stuff from The Sinister Supremacy sounds way sick!


Before I start the rest of this review, let me share a little anecdote with you. I finally got to see Integrity live a...


Yesterday was International Slayer Day, and  while I'm one day late with this, you absolutely have to hear this super slowed down version of...


For a variety of reasons, The Black Dahlia Murder was once a pariah to many self-styled "true metalheads", who tied them to the metalcore...


This album has gotten so much bad press that it's hard to approach with an open mind. As a huge Megadeth fan, and someone...

Shocking Revelations

We've had a lot of fun at the expense of Lulu, the collaboration between legendary musician Lou Reed and Metallica, and it was widely...


Black Sabbath's new album 13 is about a week away from being released on June 11th. And while the band has been playing many...

Latest News

I wonder if this is Michael Keene's way of apologizing to everyone for taking four damn years to come out with The Faceless' Autotheism? Probably not, but I like...

Tour Dates

I'm going to shit my pants! Skeletonwitch have announced a new US tour, and during that tour, the band will be joined by one...


What is it about mid-Spring that causes so many Stoner/Doom bands to bloom? Uncle Acid & The Deadbeats, Orchid, Kadavar have all dropped in...


We've been through this before haven't we? Ever since Slipknot wrapped up touring on Mayhem Fest last year, the big question was when will...


Dew-Scented have been around for twenty years? Damn. Guess it's time for you to hear what's coming up for their anthology album!


With Black Gives Way to Blue, Alice in Chains proved all the faux-elitists and skeptics completely wrong. They managed to avoid the anticlimactic self-parody...


As I write this, I am eagerly awaiting Netflix to flip that switch that will give me hours of more Arrested Development. Now mind you, I...

Upcoming Releases

Revocation are all set to drop Revocation on you come August 6, which is a date that needs to get here infinitely sooner than...


Mlny Parsonz, Evan Diprima, and Josh Weaver make up the Atlanta based doom rock outfit Royal Thunder. While on their rather strangly billed tour with The...