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Music Videos

He and Saki (Mary's Blood, Nemophilia), of course.

New Music

"I think this album has more layers to it — you hear new things every time you listen."

Mashups & Covers

The main event of last night's premiere of the Slay at Home monthly series was an incredible cover of the Megadeth classic "Holy Wars,"...

Upcoming Releases

"He's a wonderfully strong, beautiful man."


"Against things like racism, homophobia, etc. So the invigorating clutch is holding onto somebody's throat, you know?"

Tour Dates

You'll have to provide your own weed smoke.

New Music

Zeal & Ardor has released a new song called "Tuskegee" off his new Wake of a Nation EP. The EP is dedicated to "Michael...

Injection Reflection

Make sure you check out the free concert series, Slay At Home, the first episode is insane! Here are this week's most trending stories...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to CakeToothGrin, who had the best zinger: "You take a birthday boy… and put him in control."...

Shocking Revelations

"It's an important story. Sexual abuse is a horrible thing."

Metal Science

47% musicians have also been forced to look for work outside them music industry.


Punishing meta experts Yashira would have had an easy enough out if they decided to fold up shop and call it a day. In...

Bands and Booze

Safe to assume it will, in fact, be happening.


The experi-metal titans are back - pay attention to the details...

New Music

"'A Secret Kiss' is the final and lasting mark on the soul any human will feel when the lights have dulled."

Music Videos

Poppy directed the trippy music video.

Music Videos

This song is one hell of an album closer.