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Search results for "Thrash"


Bullet for My Valentine are more metal than you think.  They're also less metal than they think.  The result is music of the most...

Metal Injection Radio

And it continues with the second part of our Heavy New Year, Part II of our first Podcast of the year and this one...


The name Animal is apt.  Two records ago, on 2003's Shut It Down, Animosity developed vertebrae, of thrash, death metal, and hardcore punk.  On...


In the January 2008 issue of Decibel, Skeletonwitch described their sound as "Immortal beating the shit out of Metallica at a keg party."  This...


High on Fire's Matt Pike is one of metal's most idiosyncratic guitarists.  Much of his style probably comes from necessity.  As the singer and only guitarist...


Ou·tré [oo-trey] –adjective: passing the bounds of what is usual or considered proper; unconventional; bizarre. For being supposedly extreme, death metal has become quite...


What is a band debut doing on Roadrunner?  These days, the label seems to trade only blue chips, solely acquiring seasoned veterans with established...


Only in the Internet age could bands so far away sound so alike.  Compare All Shall Perish's (Bay Area) first album with Alienacja (Poland),...


One-man Hungarian black metal: how much more obscure can one get?  Paragon Records excel at unearthing hidden gems like Aetherius Obscuritas, aka Arkhorrl, who...


EXODUS's new album The Atrocity Exhibition… Exhibit A is streaming on the band's MySpace page. Do yourself a favor and check out the fore-fathers...

Video Games

Activision, the makers of GUITAR HERO 3 released the following press release today, and when you compare it to the rumored setlist we posted...


Seemingly every metal label now has an entry in the retro thrash sweepstakes; Relapse's is Dekapitator.  But to the Bay Area band's credit, it...

Latest News

Indianapolis-based death/thrash metal band DEMIRICOUS will release its second album, "Two (Poverty)", on October 8 in Europe via Metal Blade Records and October 16...

Latest News

Hailed as "the heaviest, darkest metal tour of the summer, if not the year," the "Unholy Alliance Tour: Preaching to the Perverted" stomped and...


Fresh from watching Virginian crossover-thrashers MUNICIPAL WASTE wreak carnage at this summer's European festivals, fans can now catch a glimpse of the new video...


Amoricide - Enslaved Amoricide Interview Amoricide - Kill Again Funeral Rites Interview Funeral Rites - Lucifer’s Triumphant March Spiritul Winter Interview Spiritul Winter -...


For those new kids out there, “Wages Of Sin” was not ARCH ENEMY's first album! For you melodic metalcore kids still high on LAMB...


> VICIOUS ART (DARK FUNERAL, ENTOMBED, GRAVE, THE PROJECT HATE) have set November 13th as the release date in Scandinavia for their full-length album,...


Norwegian thrash band HARM have announced that Frank Ørland has joined the group as a guitarist. You can also view the video to the...


I popped this album in my CD player and immediately began looking through the insert. I had a record label rep tell me one...


I’m sure my attempts at humor in my recent raw black metal reviews has probably resulted in Obscure Abhorrence Records, and perhaps some of...


I’ve been into AS I LAY DYING since “Frail Words Collapse” in 2003. I think that album is a landmark in time. Not only...


> IN BATTLE have posted the song “The Dead Shall See” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their upcoming album, “Kingdom Of...