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Search results for "Thrash"

Juggalo Times

So much new music, so little time. Here is a roundup of some music that has made it's way online in the last few...


Darkane – Execution 44 Wolf – Hail Caesar Pestilence – Synthetic Grotesque Sepultura – Screaming For Vengaeance Adumus – Storms Of Annihilation Iron Maiden...


RIP a Livecast is back with the double ducer, episode number 22 featuring the return of Rob after a hiatus last week at the...

Upcoming Releases

When we interviewed Tom Araya at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, he said the band was writing and recording the CD but they were...

Show Recap

Last week, the conceptual prog/thrash/stoner metal masters in MASTODON came to the intimate Fine Line Music Cafe in the heart of downtown Minneapolis’s  club...


One Sunday every month, writer Brandon Stosuy throws together a show in Brooklyn, NY proving metal is still alive and well in New York...

Tour Dates

Wow, wow, wow, wow! Earlier today, word came out that MEGADETH and SLAYER will be co-headlining a tour this summer. This would be the...


We took a break this past Friday because Rob went to the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival and god forbid anybody try to...

Upcoming Releases

In about 6 months Dreaming Saturn, The Crinn's first full length (that's right: not a split and not another ep) will be released. Vocalist...

Metal Up Your Ass

Today marks the first day of a super busy week for me. So expect crappier and short editions. No worries, though. I'll be back...


Now that hipsters, non-metal rock fans, ERIC CLAPTON's label, BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN's producer and mainstream publications have caught on, you no longer need underground metal...

tr00 and False

Every time the editors of Metal Inquisition come back to us with a brand new edition of their weekly recap — tr00 & False...

Metal Up Your Ass

What the fuck is a free country if a person can't fornicate with an inanimate object in peace?! Doesn't Michigan realize that he could...


(Destruction) DESTRUCTION and KRISIUN played a show at Station 4 in St. Paul on Friday, March 13th, a small festival of all things metal. Unfortunately,...

Metal Up Your Ass

Thrash is back. And its cooler than ever because the masters have returned. Testament will be touring soon and Anthrax members are making all...


Every week Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself...

Tour Dates

Coming off a mind-crushingly awesome new album and spots on the Metal Masters, Priest Feast and CHILDREN OF BODOM/THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER tours, TESTAMENT...


Metal Injection is bringing the awesome this week with video premieres from two bands that certainly deserve your attention: First up, we posted the...

Monday Wake Up Call

One hour less of sleep? Weeeaaaak. Well, if anything can pump you up this sleepless Monday morning its the "fuck shit up" anthem on...


After a one week coke-binge break we are back with an all new RIP a Livecast. Join Rob, 3D, Noa, Sid and friends as...

Revelations of Doom

And now, for something completely different… It's that time again! Grim Kim has returned from the frozen South of Georgia (seriously dudes, it's called...


The last time NJ thrashers GOD FORBID checked in with a new album, it precisely the huge step forward that only a few bands...

Go See This Fucking Band

In what will stand as one of the year's best tour packages, SOILWORK, DARKANE, WARBRINGER and SWALLOW THE SUN invaded the Highline Ballroom for...