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Search results for "distant"


Bands like Aura Noir serve an important purpose in the world of extreme metal: keeping thrash weird. These sons of Hades may have carved...


How a national opioid crisis and broken heart shaped Greyhaven's Empty Black


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...


Panopticon's newest album is an easy contender for album of the year. Prepare for a magnificent journey in the double album experience that is,...

Scene Report

Here are eight terrific bands that make Ireland proud of its metal scene

Song Premiere

The solo DSBM project returns this year and we have the first offering from its second full-length album.

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...

Bummer Alert

"I don’t rule out the chance to go on stage as and when I feel able to blast out some Priest! So at some...

Best of 2017

Another year is just about in the books. As the world teeters further and further toward the chasm of total breakdown, we the good...

Best of 2017

I continue to feel very fortunate to have a place at Metal Injection and other media outlets to share what I believe to be...


FFO: Yob, Neurosis, Pallbearer...


The ten tracks on offer span the width and breathe of the Godflesh oeuvre, sounding as rhythmically calculating and drill-press noisy as early works...


After the release of their Language album, I became very much engulfed in The Contortionist universe, attending as many of their shows that I...

Upcoming Releases

"We recorded a new version of Opiate not too long ago. We wrote a different break down that’s about five minutes longer in the...


Grunge is kind of like techno, in that both are 90's artifacts that are often dismissively rejected for their low points more often than...


FFO: Chon, Dance Gavin Dance, The Contortionist...

Scene Report

Prepare to be lost in the brutal haze, noise, and psychedelic sludge that makes for Japan's metal scene.