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Quick a lick.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes atmosphere, pop, prog, grandpa's guitars, and more! To the metals...

New Music

I am so excited that big Business is back with a new album – and they've slimmed back down to a two-piece, bassist/vocalist Jared...

Tour Dates

One of the albums that stuck out in our "Albums Celebrating their 20th Anniversary" retrospective was the debut Black Label Society album, Sonic Brew. It...

Breakups & Shakeups

"It mostly had to do with some creative divergences that only grew as my exit neared."

New Music

Brutus is returning to the well that sprung such fruitful music.


Admittedly, I'd previously been reluctant to give Silent Planet a shot due to their connection the Christian metalcore subgenre, but a friend finally convinced...

Latest News

Technical death metal abounds.


If it isn't clear by now for all, the nature of the music industry is that of a dynamic entity where trends and technology...

Upcoming Releases

It's almost ready!

Back in the Day

Before we get started on this headbanging nod to the heavy metal scene in Seattle in the 1980s, I think it's important to disclose...

Full Album Stream

Let's talk, reeeeeaaaaal slow. I mean REAL slow. Belgian funeral doom duo Slow have completely redone their album Mythologiae. Rerecorded, remastered and re-released. After some trouble...

Upcoming Releases

Taylor has called the new album ""one of the darkest chapters in Slipknot's history — it's that good."

In The Studio

The follow-up to their 2018 EP Bury Me In Blasphemy.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of experimenting, some melodic doom, an album you'll be mad at me for highlighting, and more! To the metals...

The Obituarist

Trevor Strnad of The Black Dahlia Murder here kicking off a brand-new year of extreme metal recommendations. 


The year 2019 looks to be a huge one for heavy metal and the anticipation is building. Bands like Tool, Slipknot, Megadeth, Korn, Youth...

In The Studio

Farfara didn't want to begin tracking vocals until it was raining.