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Search results for "recording"


The band featuring dudes from Rage Against The Machine, Public Enemy & Cypress Hill.

Music Videos

It's official, Periphery will release their fourth studio album, Periphery IV: HAIL STAN on their newly formed 3DOT Recordings, to be released April 5th....

Upcoming Releases

"It’s probably the most difficult record I’ve had to write, because it comes from such a dark, angry place."


While it might not be a new album just yet, fans who have waited 12 years for that can probably hold out at least...


Two albums in and Mastiff is still “a miserable band from a miserable town."

Upcoming Releases

Quick a lick.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes atmosphere, pop, prog, grandpa's guitars, and more! To the metals...

New Music

I am so excited that big Business is back with a new album – and they've slimmed back down to a two-piece, bassist/vocalist Jared...

Tour Dates

One of the albums that stuck out in our "Albums Celebrating their 20th Anniversary" retrospective was the debut Black Label Society album, Sonic Brew. It...

Breakups & Shakeups

"It mostly had to do with some creative divergences that only grew as my exit neared."

New Music

Brutus is returning to the well that sprung such fruitful music.


Admittedly, I'd previously been reluctant to give Silent Planet a shot due to their connection the Christian metalcore subgenre, but a friend finally convinced...

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Technical death metal abounds.


If it isn't clear by now for all, the nature of the music industry is that of a dynamic entity where trends and technology...

Upcoming Releases

It's almost ready!