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Wasteland proves that while guitarist Piotr Grudziński’s passing indefinitely changed their dynamic, Riverside certainly has a second life as an empowered trio.

Mashups & Covers

All sides of the table can agree - this is hilarious.

Around the Interwebs

The Foo Fighters frontman is the best!

Metal Merch

How is Gene Simmons not involved here?

Full Album Stream

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with a full album stream of Endless Swarm’s Imprisoned in Skin.


In the past we’ve tackled Black Metal, Thrash Metal and Grindcore here at Metal Injection’s prestigious, 5 Insane _____ Metal Drummers; but now the...


"I had a great time on the last tour playing with the guys, and Ozzy never mentioned anything to me."

New Music

Y'know, because it's fast and groovy.

Injection Reflection

Oh my god, it's autumn! Where did summer go? The year is almost over!! Here is what you missed this week: Classic Guitar Ads...


"I was in my mid-30s and making $1,000 on a tour. That doesn’t do a lot to help someone with a depressive personality."

Metal In The Mainstream

His racing travel buddy Max Verstappen is not a fan.

Latest News

Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross are basically the soundtrack dudes these days.

Upcoming Releases

A much-talked-about Chris Cornell rarities set has been confirmed to be released in November. The box set was curated by Cornell's wife, Vicky, with...

New Music

They're crazy, and they're not afraid to tell you so.


Corey Taylor says the touring idea is still in its infancy and may not be a yearly thing.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes underrated legends, a top hat with a wig (allegedly) sewn into it, heaviness, and more! To the metals...

br00tal Comedy

Are you hip to the bongo cat meme? It started earlier this year, and is basically a simple GIF of a cat that has...

New Music

More Cattle Decapitation is coming very soon! Well, sort of. The band will release a new rarities collection, brilliantly titled Medium Rarities, on November 23rd....