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Sick Art

Heaven lost a bong.

Latest News

So... the NYC gig wasn't the last one?


"I never cried a tear for that guy. I was mad as fuck when he died."

Injection Reflection

We are knee-deep in Halloween season. It's the most wonderful time of the year, for metalheads, at least. Here's what you missed this week:...

Music Videos

There's a new Marilyn Manson song, and it's got a bit of a country twang to it. Manson has promised to release a new...

Mashups & Covers

Remember Puddles Pity Party from America's Got Talent? The 7-foot-tall sad clown just recorded a beautiful and subdued cover of Ozzy Osbourne's seminal 1980...

New Music

"We have managed to write a heavy sounding record that is still melodic and accessible."


Edsel Dope hits Robb Flynn with the numbers.

Upcoming Releases

"Well it does exist, that was awhile ago. Currently there’s around ten tracks on it."


Leave it to the Rock Hall to mess this one up.

Upcoming Releases

"We've been kind of promising something for quite a while, but unforeseen circumstances kind of got in the way."

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include wild prog, metal dances, groovy zombies, and more!  To the metals...


Michael Denner is a living legend. Longtime guitarist for Danish metal icons Mercyful Fate, Denner is one of the premiere guitarists of his era,...

The Wednesday Sludge

Portland instrumental sludgers Ramprasad have returned to bring their slow, spacey, doom into outer orbit with their debut album Tsuris. Featuring Aaron D.C. Edge...

Shocking Revelations

Despite his problems with Slipknot, Chris Fehn does not think you should be mean to his replacement, affectionately dubbed Tortilla Man. Fehn, of course,...