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Search results for "Soul"


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Upcoming Releases

The album will be out this September! Yes!!


Fear Factory and their label have been in super-hype-mode for their new album, Genexus, for quite a while now and personally, I was taking a...

Tour Dates

Brazilian-flavored death metal, melodic death metal and death metal walk into a bar... er, tour.


Somehow, Slash is involved in this too!

Music Videos

This track comes from one of the best releases of 2014, Melana Chasmata. Pick it up on Amazon.com for $10.

Latest News

No, Nickelback isn't metal but this is pretty funny.

Undergound Buzz

A couple of years ago, a groove metal band from the Los Angeles area named Soulbleed got a hold of my blog and asked...

br00tal Comedy

What is it about Meshuggah that inspires so many mashups? We've seen Korean Meshuggah Dance Parties, old people dancing to Meshuggah and whatever this...


Redeemer of Souls is out tomorrow!

Full Album Stream

The metal Gods are streaming!

Live Footage

Soulfly took it back to the primitive this weekend at Hellfest. Watch more live sets from Hellfest 2014

Sick Art

Epic art is epic.

German thrashers Dust Bolt channel Slayer, Sepultra and all the thrash legends in their throwback sound as featured in this new music video, "Soul...


This is an excellent way to kick off the week, Judas Priest have released the title track from their summer release, Redeemer Of Souls. It certainly...

Upcoming Releases

It's finally happening! It's taken about three years, but from the moment that Dillinger Escape Plan frontman Greg Puciato revealed exclusively to us that...


This documentary was originally released with the two-disc special edition of At The Gates' Slaughter of the Soul, but the band recently posted it on their official...