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Decibel's Clips of the Month

Decibel Clips of the Month: CARCASS, SOULFLY, WATAIN and a classic clip from BEHEMOTH

Watch some of Decibel's favorite videos of the month.

Watch some of Decibel's favorite videos of the month.

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the monthly metal mag. under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.” This month, watch picks from Carcass, Soulfly, Watain, and a classic clip from Behemoth. 

Carcass – “Unfit for Human Consumption”


So, you’re watching this video and it’s got exactly what a Carcass fan’s looking for: porny close-ups of both medical tools and musical instruments. And that’s pretty much what you’re dealing with: fretboards and scalpels and Jeff Walker growing some pustules on his face. Nothing you don’t expect. But here’s the twist, folks—the band has had body parts removed, and now we’re seeing the drummer’s missing a leg, and the guitarist is missing an arm, and it’s Jeff Walker’s head singing from a glass jar! Now, I’m not sure how they removed these limbs while keeping hands and feet intact to still play the song—or how Jeff can be heard from inside a glass dome—but if I was a doctor, I’d be making bank at Cedars-Sinai and not about to watch a Soulfly video.

Soulfly – “Bloodshed”


So, there is a lot of the band playing in front of a green screen that just looks like a wood-paneled wall. It has some lights on it, but it’s really just Max Cavalera and some dudes rocking out in my dad’s den. Anyway, aside from that, there are some Civil War reenactors who fire some guns into the air and wrestle around, and I’m really not sure how they ended up in this thing, but they’re here regardless of my opinion. Also, video director, we know Max is lip-synching, but do you have to focus so sharply on the fact that his mic isn’t plugged in? He may as well be eating a sub during the chorus.

Watain – “Outlaw”


I’m just gonna type out every image I can in this video until it’s over: test pattern, some shit burning, weird words and water, a colonoscopy, more fire, the band onstage, more fire, a chain getting crushed, a woman drowning, more fire, Erik singing, Erik on a motorcycle, a bathroom with someone in a tiny tub, more chains, an old guy and sheep’s head, more old guy looking like a creep, the band playing live, a guy making marks on a wall like he’s in “The Unforgiven” video, more fire, a guy getting something written on his chest, a blindfolded guy in a room, Erik taking that guy somewhere, an oven, an old lady in the oven, a younger lady in a bathroom tearing off her shirt, blood out of someone’s mouth, guitar solo, tattooing, knives shown off by a guy with a bone necklace, a nun smoking, that nun with a bloody nose, fire, fire, fire, the band and more fire, just constantly going back to the fire, some crazy person standing around, more colonoscopy, static, the end.

CLASSIC CLIP: Behemoth “Conquer All”


For a Behemoth video, this is pretty restrained. It’s mostly just the band playing live in some church with weird sped-up movements and the occasional shift to either Nergal sitting on a throne or some pretty lady sipping some wine. I mean, of course, at some point she’s topless with wings, and Nergal throws on some mask at the end, but I’m guessing they just found the thing in someone’s trunk and thought, fuck it. I’d usually appreciate that no attempt was made whatsoever to construct a plot, but it’s kind of kneecapping my review, so I guess we’re down now. Thanks for fucking nothing, Behemoth.

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