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"Wormrot shape other genres around grind for their purposes and to their advantage."

Live Footage

Through the mist and the madness, they're trying to get the message to you.

Upcoming Releases

Which means that there's probably a new Metallica album being worked on.

New Music

Their new album Afterlife is coming this August.

Show Recap

ProgPower USA XXI Day Four Recap: Roaring to a glorious conclusion, the allied forces of rock and metal reclaim the realm of live music....

Full Album Stream

"Jord forcefully crushes your brain to bits from start to finish."

Upcoming Releases

Called "Face It Alone," the track will be available in September.

Tour Dates

A little more energetic with all the same psych-heavy goodness.

Show Recap

ProgPower USA XXI Day One Recap: Reunifying after a two-year hiatus, the festival first day serves up prog, thrash and death metal in explosives...

New Music

Kicking things off with a manic drum fill.

New Music

Featuring bassist Drew Murphy on vocals.