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Search results for "Elf"


The ten tracks on offer span the width and breathe of the Godflesh oeuvre, sounding as rhythmically calculating and drill-press noisy as early works...

Dank Slams

Scotland. Not the country that first comes to mind when thinking in terms of skanky dankness. Sure, it might be a bit dank –...


Guitarists Matthew Weed & Eric Jernigan talk the process for the new album and going independent

Dank Slams

Sometimes we get a little spent on the slam. Too many hammers, too much of the time. What do we do over here at...

Upcoming Releases

"Post-Self sees them move away from metal and experiment with industrial and post-punk sounds, exploring what inspired them in the first place."

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

New Music

With a seemingly timely song intro too about impeachment.

Shocking Revelations

Swedish radio channel P1 has a summer series called "Sommar i P1" where a notable Swedish musician guest-hosts each day. Yesterday, the host was none other than...

Music Videos

FFO: Every Time I Die, Norma Jean with catchier choruses.


We nerd out hard on pro wrestling and heavy metal.

Live Footage

Mastodon are about to head out on a big tour, and before they do so, they stopped by the studios of Conan to perform "Show...