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Search results for "ASC"

At The Movies

Metal and horror go together like chocolate and peanut butter.  They both represent the alluring countercultures of their entertainment niches, and, for whatever reason,...

Weekly Injection

Now I usually don't use this space for any sort of promotion, because why would I? No one reads this part. Fuck it though....

Latest News

You may have heard that Nachtmystium frontman Blake Judd was arrested over the weekend for theft. There are some people so happy about this,...


I've been meaning to make a trip down to Chicago just so I go to the world-famous metal themed burger joint, Kuma’s Corner. I want...


Conflicting ideologies seem to spurn the best possible music. The black metal and death metal scenes fought against each other back in the early...


When your last album was both an underrated sleeper and a frequent inclusion on Best of 2011 lists, expectations are understandably high for your follow up....

Tim Lambesis Trial

Yesterday morning, the murder-for-hire case of As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis kicked off in a San Diego with a preliminary hearing to decide if...


You know how there is a four pm? Did you know there is another 4 in the morning? I'm going to introduce myself to...

Tim Lambesis Trial

It's official, the case of As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis is going to trial. 

Upcoming Releases

If you dug 2011's Worship Music, then you should be excited to know Anthrax are back in the studio working on a new album.

Upcoming Releases

I find it kinda great that I became the most hated writer at METAL INJECTION last week. Who knew so many people remembered The Damned...

Question of the Day

Labor Day is this weekend, which brings the unofficial end of summer. With so much great metal released this year, we wanted to figure...

Mustaine Mania

I'm not sure which one confuses me more; the fact that Mustaine is looking into different lyrical topics for another record, or the fact...


Today was moving day here in the WEEKLY INJECTION outpost. I've got myself a lovely little view of a brand new corner of a storage...

Metal Day Jobs

Many people see musicians as these mythical rock stars who are always in "rock" mode. One band in specific that fits this bill is...


Oceano have scheduled their new album Incisions to be available come October 1 via Century Media Records, but they're streaming the heavy-as-hell title track...

Latest News

Two of my favorite musicians got together recently for a little chat in Guitar World Magazine: Dillinger Escape Plan's Ben Weinman and Soundgarden's Kim...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...

Latest News

No sub-genre of heavy metal has gone through as many permutations as black metal. Throughout it's decades long history, black metal has evolved from...

Tour Dates

If you do not think music cannot bring people together, think again. Israeli prog metal masters Orphaned Land have announced a 18-date European tour...

Shocking Revelations

Varg Vikernes is an odd individual. After being arrested last week at his home in France on suspicions of planning a terrorist act and...

Latest News

I had an old lady hit on me at work today. Literally in her 70's maybe 80's. I offered to have someone help bring...

Upcoming Releases

American black metal band Vattnet Viskar have finally announced their debut album Sky Swallower. Thank. Fucking. God. The clarion call for the next wave...