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Search results for "rammstein"

Matching Tags: Rammstein , rammstein

Tour Dates

Rammstein are going to be burning it all down.


What are these Germans up to?

Upcoming Releases

"Right now, it looks like this new record will be coming out next spring, and what we've been mainly doing is playing together in...

Upcoming Releases

Hey, new Rammstein is finally happening after nearly 10 years!

New Music

It goes without saying that Marty Friedman is one of the greatest living guitarists on the planet. Marty has a live album called One Bad...

Upcoming Releases

They're "in the final phase of the production of their seventh studio album which will be released before the end of the year."

Tour Dates

Now THIS is a way to ring in the new year.

Injection Reflection

It's 4/20, so get that bong ready and listen to Sleep. Otherwise, here's what you missed this week. Watch: Sons of Corey Taylor &...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Metal Injection correspondant Robert Pasbani spoke to Rammstein guitarist Paul Landers during the band's recent stop in New York as part of their short...


Rammstein played their only east coast show of 2017 this past Sunday at Jones Beach Theater in New York and Metal Injection photographer Rodrigo...

Latest News

"I would like to install different files, install several stages in an arena or hall and create an unprecedented overall experience."

Upcoming Releases

"It really depends on our singer Till, that he can finish the mysterious ideas we have."

Injection Reflection

March is donezo! It's WrestleMania weekend and I'm ready to party. Here are this week's most trending stories: "A Weird Satanist Guy" Interviewing GHOST...