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Tour Dates

Bleeding Through announced the end was coming, and now we know where and when. The band announced their farewell tour today and will be...

Upcoming Releases

Coming off the heels of their Pelagial album and touring all summer on Summer Slaughter, The Ocean are kicking back and finishing up a...

Decibel's Clips of the Month

Every month, Decibel scribe Shane Mehling reviews the four videos that appear in the mag under “Decibel’s Clips of the Month at Metal Injection.”...


Front to back, the Summer Slaughter tour was the most exciting package of the summer for me. One thing that was noticeable at the...


Oceano have scheduled their new album Incisions to be available come October 1 via Century Media Records, but they're streaming the heavy-as-hell title track...

Fuck Yes!

With sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo giving artists a way to fund projects directly from the fans, labels seem to be putting less money...

Music Videos

Does the opening riff not sound like a Mastodon riff? Either way, the new album from The Ocean, Pelagial absolutely crushes. And this new video, "Bathyalpelagic...


I have had the new Gorguts album for a few weeks now, and it's really good, like impressively so. I had high expectations and they were pleasantly...

Tour Dates

Before they all perform at the Heavy MTL Festival, All Shall Perish, Oceano, Obey The Brave, Within The Ruins, Betrayal and Reflections will be teaming up...

Upcoming Releases

All we know right now is that The Absence have something coming out called Oceans and it'll have Per Nilsson of Scar Symmetry on it....

Quick Bits

Greetings once again all you metal nerds. This was a rough week. Rough in a sense that there was almost too much good stuff...


The Ocean Collective (or just The Ocean) is not a band to be taken lightly, even if that were possible. They are musicians in...


The Ocean are coming out with their Pelagial album pretty soon. Here's yet another reason you should be stoked about it!


Are you ready to dive into the depths of The Ocean? Pelagial might be streaming instrumentally, but that certainly doesn't equate to less kickassery.


Today's A/V roundup features new music from Kylesa, The Ocean and Howl, a full album stream from Nails, a lyric video from Suffocation and...


We've got an interesting A/V Roundup for you this Thursday that spans a few genres! You'll find some new Six Feet Under, Warbeasts, and...


Which is titled "Bathyalpelagic II: The Wish in Dreams" and didn't make the titled of this post because it's too damn many words.


Welcome to episode 136 of MSRcast where we interview the progressive metal band, Oceans Of Slumber. Hailing from Houston, Tx and featuring members of...

Music Videos

A live performance video for the track 'A Mandatory Sacrifice' taken from the 2009 album 'Depths'. Filmed on the US 2009 Thrash And Burn...

Music Videos

"Weaponized" is the 1st single from OCEANO's newest album, CONTAGION. Directed by Kevin J. Custer (TESTAMENT, HATEBREED, TOMBS, JUSTIN BIEBER), "Weaponized" features explosive performance...

Music Videos

The Ocean's video for "Firmament" from the album "Heliocentric". Filmed live at Bikini Test, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland, March 26th, 2010. Filmed by Hector Saenz...

Music Videos

We premiere a new video from The Ocean for the track "Roots & Locusts" off the album, Anthropocentric, in stores now. Directed by Craig...