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Search results for "Heroes"


One of the biggest metal bands in the world, Megadeth have really done it all and seen it all – countless lineup changes, label...

Best of 2021

This is technically my seventh Favorite Albums of the Year list for Metal Injection, and oh boy, it sure hasn't got easier to whittle...


Alexi “Wildchild” Laiho passed away on December 29th, 2020, at his home in Helsinki, Finland. Almost a year has elapsed since this tragedy. The...


"Doom Crew Inc. is not a bad record, but it occupies a lower spot in BLS's overall ranking."


"Spinning the record reveals harrowing atmospherics, a sense of grandiosity, devastating emotional weight and wrenching mood swings all woven around a diverse stanchion of...


Richmond, Virginia’s Lamb of God are one of the premier heavy acts of this millennium. With a instantly recognisable sound, both aggressively fierce yet...


"If this isn't metal, then the term has lost any meaning it ever had."


Reality is often a far cry from the animated series Metalocalypse in which the global economy depends on the world’s best death metal band, Dethklok. The joke...


"Here, the creation is one of a mood similar to that of the best cliff hanger that's already had the viewer/reader on the edge...

Latest News

Carlile has a history with the band over the past two years.

Back in the Day

“What’s my drug of choice?” We are “Junkheads” for Stone Temple Pilots’ Core and Alice in Chains’ Dirt. These masterpieces were both released on September 29th, 1992. Core and Dirt...


The year 2001 was absolutely massive for heavy music. Metal had branched out in a multitude of different directions across all corners of the...


While grindcore is a relatively obscure genre compared to black and death metal, the grindcore bands from East/Southeast Asian region are all quite memorable....


The year 1991 was truly transitional for a world of rock and metal – the big, bright hair metal acts that dominated the mid...

Music Videos

Nytt Land draws you into a melancholic and dark atmosphere with their new single "Svartravn". Self-described as Shamanic Dark Folk, Nytt Land employs very...


As the world mourns the loss of prolific multi-instrumentalist Joey Jordison, I found myself revisiting his work like many other fans out there. You...


Volbeat picked a unique song to cover for the upcoming Metallica "Black Album" covers album, The Metallica BlackList. They picked "Don't Tread on Me,"...

Music Videos

Crystal Lake out of Japan is paying homage to music's fallen heroes with a thunderous new single, "Curse". Crystal Lake is gearing up for...

Tour Dates

Metallica is turning 40! The thrash metal titans plan to celebrate in style to celebrate this momentous occasion. They just announced they will be...