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Upcoming Releases

Bad news, good news and potentially better news. The bad news: This is a really slow week for metal. The good news: The few...


It is a rare thing these days for a post-metal band to break the mold. So many bands play sludgy, lurching, epic metal that...

Upcoming Releases

Ihsahn recently (sort of) announced his upcoming record Das Seelenbrechen, and now he's telling us all about it! It's going to get pretty weird...


Gorguts will be dropping Colored Sands on September 3 via Seasons of Mist, but we've got yet another track off the record for you...

RIP a Livecast

Lots of shit talk this week, from smelling your own shit, to shitty beggars on the train, to shitty covers of Megadeth by Dave...

Upcoming Releases

I use the term "announces" lightly; the sparse information detailing Ihsahn's new record. We knew it would be coming this fall but details were...

Injection Reflection

I want to send a huge thank you to Greg Kennelty for absolutely killing it today taking over the blog for me as I am...

It's Just Business

The last we heard of former Roadrunner Records president Jonas Nachsin, he was stepping down from his post back in November. After being off the...

Latest News

Protest The Hero may have had the most successful crowdfunding in metal this year, but this might be the most absurd. Varg is asking...

Latest News

We were stunned to report last Friday that Motorhead's 1 hour-plus set was shortened to about twenty minutes after frontman Lemmy Kilmister was unable...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...

RIP a Livecast

We begin the show talking about Lemmy's recent health scare and his cocoa puffs. We then discussed this famous scene in Decline of Western...

Latest News

This is getting a bit scary. Earlier this summer, Lemmy got a defibrillator installed in his chest to monitor his heart rate and also he...

Upcoming Releases

This week's injection will totally paint me in a bad mood or something. I'm actually quite excited. I'm about to crack open a bottle...


With The Safety Fire all prepared to release their second album, Mouth of Swords, what better time for guitarist Derya "Dez" Nagle to get...

Latest News

Hey, remember when Protest the Hero raised a little over $341,000 for their new record earlier this year and set the precedent for bands...

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We're big fans of the King of Metal, comedian Dave Hill. So much so, that we have given him free reign in the past...

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There are few things in this world as glorious as Oscar winner Nicolas Cage going completely batshit in a movie. Whether he's screaming about...


We knew Metallica drummer Lars had a really hot girlfriend, in fact, many hot girlfriends and wives over the years, but now the Metallica drummer...


At the time of this Weekly Injection, I am in my usual metal dungeon, but this time I am surrounded by a small group...

Injection Reflection

That's going to do it for us this week here at Metal Injection. We're taking the next two days off due to the Independence...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Craig Maloney who had the best zinger: After a few songs, it was clear the church's...

Latest News

We got a bit scared this last week when two seperate reports on legendary Motorhead bassist Lemmy Kilmister's health were posted. First, we learned...