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It's only Tuesday?! Feh! Good thing there is some new music and videos to hold us over, including new stuff from Trent Reznor, Kylesa...

Upcoming Releases

No time to waste on silly introductions folks, this just may be the best line-up in the history of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. For serious....


Ufomammut, the Italian experimenters of space and sound, have returned with their second album of the year: Oro – “Opus Alter”. This album follows on...


Red Fang and Beer go together like peanut butter and jelly, marijuana and rolling papers, Dave Mustaine and inappropriate comments. Heck, we even interviewed...

Latest News

Slipknot were deeply affected by the passing of their bassist, Paul Gray, after accidentally overdosing in 2010. The band have slowly been putting back...

Upcoming Releases

Chad Gilbert made a lot of money with his pop-punk band New Found Glory, (hey olds, their big hit is 10 years old…wow). He...


Today is an exciting day for Pig Destroyer fans. Their new album, Book Burner might not be out until October 22nd, but fear not....

Injection Reflection

Summer is almost over, but the metal world is heating up with controversy. Here are the 10 most visited pages on the site this...

Go See This Fucking Band

In the sea of derivative underground metal bands I watch perform each year, I'll sometimes get lucky and find a band so organic, so...

Upcoming Releases

One of the bright sides of stalking your idols on Facebook and Twitter is getting updates directly from the source. For example, if you...


Here's a video that a few bands were passing around Facebook recently, a video which cites bands like The Faceless and Veil of Maya...


Holy moly, do we have a MASSIVE A/V Roundup for you today. We've got live clips from Gojira, Obscura, and the Profound Lore Records...

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...


Hear ye! Hear ye! The king has return. Your grace, King Diamond, performed over the weekend at the Sweden Rock Festival, and to say he...


I was incredibly excited when the press advance of Baroness's new double album, Yellow & Green arrived in my inbox last week. The problem? I...


It's Friday bitches! Before we break out for the day, we thought we'd do one final roundup for the week of all the new...

Upcoming Releases

Yes, I know this could easily do without the cheesy introduction, but I'm feelin' good and I like to hear myself speak. So please,...


Perennial metal sociologist Sgt. D of Stuff You Will Hate has found the gem of a video titled “How to Get Signed to Rise...


Obligatory reminder to check out our previous installments: Metal Injection Metal Guide to SXSW 2012 Part 1: Stoner / Doom / Sludge Metal Injection...

Black Metal History

As some of us intelligent people might know, there have got to be a few reasons why black metal weapons look so primitive and...


Last year, we got the King of Metal, Dave Hill to interview the frontman of one of his favorite bands, Bobby Leibling of Pentagram....


I was very impressed with the first track Meshuggah released a week ago, and if you're an avid reader of the site, you pretty much...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...